The body stops producing the pigment that explains why your hair turns white

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Gray hair can happen at some point in life, usually between the ages of 40 and over. However, some people can develop gray hair at a very young age. This can be traced back to a disorder in the production of melanin in the hair follicles. When the body stops producing the pigment melanin, gray hair turns white.

1. What is premature graying of hair?

In fact, human hair color is determined by the filamentous melanin pigments. These pigments are a combination of two amino acids in the body, including phenylalanine and tyrosine. Melanin is produced by melanocytes in the hair follicles, giving hair its black or brown color. Besides, in the hair contains albumin, an important substance that keeps the hair strong and shiny.
Premature gray hair occurs when the body stops producing melanin or the albumin function is disturbed, causing the hair to turn gray and lose its original color. In addition, the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide in the hair can also destroy the pigment melanin and cause premature graying of hair.
As we all know, black hair is a proof that a person's health is in a very good and stable state. Normally, healthy people will start to have gray hair at the age of 45 or older. This is the inevitable natural aging process of humans. However, premature graying of hair can occur even in young people (20-30 years old).
Sometimes, premature graying of hair is accompanied by other conditions, such as hair loss, damaged hair and frizzy hair. You should not be too worried if you have premature graying of hair, because this is not a dangerous disease. It does not cause any serious health problems, it simply affects your appearance, making you less confident, especially for women.

Tóc bạc có thể đi kèm với một số tình trạng khác như rụng tóc, hư tổn và xơ
Tóc bạc có thể đi kèm với một số tình trạng khác như rụng tóc, hư tổn và xơ

2. What causes gray hair?

Here are the main causes of gray hair, including:
*Lack of melanin pigment in keratin: keratin is produced by Keratinocyte cells. When the Keratinocytes die, the melanin will be retained and give your hair color. When the body does not produce enough melanin, the hair will gradually turn gray. The less melanin, the more gray hair. If a person has gray hair that turns completely white, it means that there is no melanin in the keratin. This also means that the body has stopped producing melanin.
* Stress: researchers have shown that prolonged stress can lead to premature graying of hair. The reason is, when we are too stressed, the body will stimulate the sympathetic nervous system to release noradrenaline. This is a neurotransmitter that can move melanin-producing cells out of hair follicles, causing hair to turn gray.
* Smoking: in cigarettes contains countless harmful chemicals, including nicotine. Regular smoking not only has a great impact on health, leading to serious diseases such as cancer, but also makes hair quickly gray and weak.
* Genetics: Genetic factors are also considered as one of the main factors leading to premature graying of hair. If you have a parent or grandparent with premature graying of hair, there is a high chance that you may also develop the condition.
*Irrational nutrition: a healthy hair will be more or less determined by your daily nutrition. Not eating enough nutrients will make the body weak, and at the same time do not provide enough nutrients needed to grow hair, thereby making hair prone to breakage and graying. In particular, when the body lacks vitamins, such as vitamins B, E, and D, and other minerals such as zinc or copper also contribute to premature graying of hair.
*Have certain medical conditions: the cause of premature graying of hair can also be caused by medical conditions, such as pituitary, thyroid, vitiligo, or chronic anemia.

Thiếu máu mãn tính cũng có thể là nguyên nhân dẫn đến chứng tóc bạc sớm
Thiếu máu mãn tính cũng có thể là nguyên nhân dẫn đến chứng tóc bạc sớm

*Some other causes: including:
Abuse of drugs, such as antibiotics Dyeing or perm hair many times Frequent overwork, weakness and fatigue Hair is exposed to sunlight frequently sun

3. When did the hair start to turn gray?

In general, our hair will begin to show signs of graying when the production of melanin is stopped or disturbed. Each strand of hair contains many pigment cells, which help create a shiny outer sheath for the hair. Our hair color will be determined by 2 main types of melanin pigments, including eumelanin (for black or dark brown) and pheomelanin (for lighter colors like reddish or yellow).
As we age, the amount of these pigments starts to decrease. This deterioration also causes the hair to become drier and less shiny than before. When the hair turns from silver to white, it means that there is no longer any melanin pigment in the hair follicle.
Besides, gray hairs often appear quite randomly, in which the first gray hair tends to grow on the crown or temple area. Every day that passes, the hair will lose about 50-100 strands and be replaced by new ones that grow. Normally, a hair can last for 2-4 months, then enter a resting state for the next 2-4 months and finally fall out to make room for new hairs.
Hair tends to be much gray in the inner layer first, while the outer layer of hair retains its original hair color. Excessive hair loss in a short period of time can be related to conditions such as illness, stress, or after cancer treatment with radiation and chemotherapy.
When the process of new gray hair in the early stages, the melanin pigment is still there but has been reduced in number or is less active than before. Over time, these pigments begin to decrease drastically, or even stop working altogether. Some people in their teens have premature graying of hair. This could be due to genetic factors or certain health problems.

Thông thường tóc bắt đầu bạc khi việc sản xuất ra hắc sắc tố melanin bị ngưng trệ hoặc rối loạn
Thông thường tóc bắt đầu bạc khi việc sản xuất ra hắc sắc tố melanin bị ngưng trệ hoặc rối loạn

4. How to overcome premature graying of hair?

Currently, there is no cure for premature graying of hair, however, you can completely improve and prevent this disease by the following ways:
Get enough sleep, keep your spirits up a state of comfort, limiting stress Fully supplemented with essential nutrients to nourish hair, including vitamins B5, B12, A, C, E, folic acid or riboflavin. Limit the frequency of dyeing, perming, or using products that are harmful to your hair. When outdoors, protect your hair from UV rays by wearing a wide-brimmed hat. Build a healthy diet with lots of dark green vegetables, and fruits like raspberries, pears or cherries. Say no to stimulants such as alcohol Give up the habit of smoking When you have gray hair, avoid frequent hair pulling. This can destroy the follicles at the root of the hair, making it easier for the serum to spill out and create conditions for infection to neighboring hairs. When dyeing your hair, you should choose dyes that are less damaging and allergic to the scalp. , black sesame or barley grass. Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the hospitals that not only ensures professional quality with a team of leading doctors, modern equipment and technology, but also stands out for its examination and consulting services. and comprehensive, professional medical treatment; civilized, polite, safe and sterile medical examination and treatment space.
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Reference source:

Why is hair loss so much? How to prevent baldness? How to fix hair loss?
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