Uses of Cangyno

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Cangyno medicine has the main ingredient Clotrimazol. The drug is effective in the treatment of Candida, Trichomonas vulvar and vaginal diseases. To ensure effective use, users need to follow the instructions of the doctor, and at the same time refer to more information about the uses of Cangyno in the following article.

1. What are the uses of Cangyno?

1.1. What is Cangyno? Cangyno drug has the main ingredient Clotrimazol 100mg and excipients just enough for one tablet. Cangyno is used in the treatment of Candida fungal diseases; Trichomonas vulva, or vagina, and atypical vaginitis,...
The drug is prepared in the form of soft capsules placed in the vagina, packed in a box of 1 blister, each blister has 6 tablets.
1.2. What does Cangyno do? Cangyno drug is used to appoint for the following cases:
Cases of atypical vaginitis. Candida infections of the vagina and vulva. Trichomoniasis in the vulva and vagina. People with infections in the genital tract caused by fungi (mainly Candida such as vaginitis) and superinfections caused by bacteria sensitive to Clotrimazole, including Gram-positive: Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, ... Contraindications:
People with hypersensitivity to any ingredient or excipient in the drug's ingredients (very rare)

2. Usage of Cangyno

2.1. How to use Cangyno Medication Cangyno is used to place vaginally. Before placing, users need to clean the private area, then put the Cangyno pill as deep as possible in the vagina. The best position for placing Cangyno is lying on your back and the patient's legs are folded up. The patient should remain in the position for 10 to 15 minutes to prevent the tablet from falling out. The best time to take Cangyno is before going to bed, in the evening. 2.2. Dosage of the drug Cangyno Set 2 tablets a day (users best put in the evening) for 3 consecutive days. Or order 1 capsule within 6 consecutive days in the evenings. Handling missed dose:
In case the patient misses a dose of Cangyno while taking it, take it as soon as possible, as soon as you remember (usually it can be used 1 to 2 hours apart). than the hour ordered by the doctor). But, if it is too close to your next dose, skip the missed dose and take your next dose of Cangyno at the scheduled time. Note that do not take double the prescribed dose, to make up for the missed dose.
Treatment of overdose:
Symptoms: No symptoms of Cangyno overdose have been reported. Not expected to affect life.
If the patient shows signs or symptoms of an overdose, gastric lavage should be performed when clinical signs of overdosage are evident (such as dizziness or nausea, and vomiting).

3. Notes when using Cangyno

Be careful with the following cases:
People with Candida infection in the vagina more than 2 times in the last 6 months. People with a history of disease, or a sexual partner with a sexually transmitted disease The patient is pregnant, or is suspected of being pregnant. Patients under 16 years old and over 60 years old. Hypersensitivity to Imidazol, or other vaginal antifungals. Cangyno 100mg suppositories should not be used if any of the following symptoms are present:
People with irregular periods. People with abnormal vaginal bleeding, or discharge with blood stains. People with sores on the vulva, or vagina, and blisters or ulcers. Pain in the lower abdomen, or difficulty urinating. Any side effects such as redness, or irritation, or swelling that are related to treatment include: fever or chills, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, and foul-smelling vaginal discharge. Special note when taking the drug:
Patients need to avoid sex for the duration of the treatment. To prevent re-infection, it is necessary to treat both sexual partners of the infected person at the same time. Cangyno should be treated for a sufficient period of time, even though the symptoms are in remission. After 4 weeks of treatment, if there is no improvement, the patient needs to be examined again. If symptoms do not improve within 1 week of taking the drug, the patient should consult a doctor. Can be used again if Candida infection re-infests after 7 days. But if you are in the case of Candida re-infection more than 2 times within 6 months, consult a doctor Use of the drug in pregnant women, and nursing mothers
Pregnant women: There are no clear studies, and full of drugs in the first 3 months of pregnancy, so at this time the patient only uses when prescribed by the doctor. During the last 4 to 6 weeks of pregnancy, special care should be taken to ensure the hygiene of the reproductive tract. During this period, vaginal suppositories are used but not with an applicator.
Lactating mothers: The absorption of Clotrimazol into the general circulation when vaginally is very small, so there is no danger to the infant when the mother takes the drug. However, the drug should only be used when prescribed by a qualified doctor.
People driving, and operating machines
The drug has no or negligible influence on the patient's ability to drive or use machines.

4. Cangyno side effects

Adverse drug effects reported, including:
Immune system disorders: Allergic reactions (urticaria; pruritus; syncope, or hypotension, and difficulty breathing). Reproductive system, and mammary gland disorders: Exfoliation, or erythema, discomfort, itching and vaginal bleeding, rash, or edema, burning, and irritation, pelvic pain. Digestive disorders: the patient feels abdominal pain. If the patient sees any side effects, they should immediately notify the doctor, or a qualified pharmacist for timely treatment.

5. How to store Cangyno

Cangyno's shelf life is 36 months from the date of manufacture. Store Cangyno in a cool, dry place, at a temperature not exceeding 30°C, in the original packaging and protected from light, away from acidic environments. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Before taking Cangyno, you should carefully check the expiry date of the medicine. Absolutely do not use Cangyno medicine has expired date printed on the package. Above is important information about Cangyno drug, when using it, patients need to carefully read the instructions and consult a specialist doctor for the most effective drug use process.

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