Testing for estrogen and progesterone before pregnancy

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Progesterone and estrogen are important female hormones, regulating sex hormones during both the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. Testing for estrogen and progesterone can help assess a woman's fertility before becoming pregnant and is also of value in certain medical conditions. So what do estrogen and progesterone tests mean?

1.What is Progesterone?

Progesterone, which is made mostly in the ovaries after each monthly ovulation and helps regulate your menstrual cycle along with estrogen.
This important hormone begins to work shortly after ovulation by helping the lining of the uterus become receptive to implantation of a fertilized egg. Progesterone, along with the hormone relaxin, can cause a number of gastrointestinal problems, such as heartburn, indigestion, constipation, and bloating.
Progesterone works with relaxin again to help soften ligaments and cartilage, and loosen your joints in preparation for labor. And if your gums swell and start bleeding, your skin breaks out, or you feel sweaty, that's the cause of this chemical, too.

2.Progesterone test

2.1 What is a progesterone test? A progesterone test measures the level of progesterone in the blood. Progesterone is a hormone made by a woman's ovaries. Progesterone plays an important role in pregnancy. It helps make your uterus ready to support a fertilized egg. Progesterone also helps prepare your breasts to make milk.
Progesterone levels change during a woman's menstrual cycle. Levels start low, then rise after the ovaries release an egg. If you are pregnant, progesterone levels will continue to rise as your body gets ready to support the developing fetus. If you are not pregnant (your egg is not fertilized), your progesterone levels will drop and your period will begin.
Progesterone levels in pregnant women are about 10 times higher than in non-pregnant women. Men also make progesterone, but in much smaller amounts. In men, progesterone is made by the adrenal glands and testicles.

Phụ nữ mang thai sẽ gây ảnh hưởng tới mức độ thay đổi progesterone
Phụ nữ mang thai sẽ gây ảnh hưởng tới mức độ thay đổi progesterone
2.2 What is the pre-pregnancy progesterone test used for? Pre-pregnancy progesterone testing is used to:
Find the cause of female infertility (inability to have children) Find out when you are ovulating Find out your risk of miscarriage Track your pregnancy high risk Diagnosed ectopic pregnancy, the fetus develops in the wrong place (ectopic). A developing baby cannot survive an ectopic pregnancy. This condition is very dangerous, and sometimes life-threatening, for women. You may need this test if you are having trouble getting pregnant. A progesterone test can help your healthcare provider see if you're ovulating normally.
If you are pregnant, you may need this test to check the health of your pregnancy. Your provider may recommend a progesterone test if you're at risk for miscarriage or other pregnancy complications. Your pregnancy may be at risk if you have symptoms such as cramping or bleeding, and/or a history of previous miscarriage.
2.3 What do progesterone results mean? If your progesterone levels are higher than normal, it could mean you are:
Pregnant Have a tumor on your ovaries Pregnant with a molar, a growth in the abdomen that causes symptoms of pregnancy Adrenal gland disorder Ovarian cancer Your progesterone levels may be even higher if you are pregnant with two or more children.
If your progesterone levels are lower than normal, it means you:
Ectopic pregnancy Miscarriage Not ovulating normally, which can cause fertility problems If you have questions If you have questions about your results, talk to your healthcare provider. Because progesterone levels change throughout pregnancy and the menstrual cycle, you may need to get tested again and again.

Khi xét nghiệm progesterone nếu thấp hơn bình thường có thể là do bạn mang thai ngoài tử cung
Khi xét nghiệm progesterone nếu thấp hơn bình thường có thể là do bạn mang thai ngoài tử cung

3. What is estrogen?

Estrogen is the main female hormone that contributes to sexual development, including breast growth, and it initiates and regulates a woman's menstrual cycle. It also helps keep your bones healthy and cholesterol levels under control.
Along with progesterone, estrogen is one of the two main hormones that help pregnancy begin. Produced by the ovaries and then the placenta, estrogen helps the uterus grow, maintains the lining of the uterus, regulates other important hormones, and triggers the development of the baby's organs. And when it's time to breastfeed, estrogen promotes the growth of breast tissue and helps milk flow.

4. Estrogen test

4.1 What is an estrogen test? An estrogen test measures the level of estrogen in the blood or urine. Estrogen can also be measured in saliva with a home test kit. Estrogens are a group of hormones that play an important role in the development of women's physical characteristics and reproductive functions, including breast and uterine development, as well as in the regulation of the menstrual cycle.
There are many types of estrogen, but only three are commonly tested:
Estrone, also known as E1, is the main female hormone produced by women after menopause. Menopause is the time in a woman's life when a woman's periods stop and she can no longer become pregnant. It usually begins when a woman is about 50 years old. Estradiol, also known as E2, is the main female hormone produced by non-pregnant women. Estriol, also known as E3 is a hormone that increases during pregnancy. Measuring estrogen levels can provide important information about fertility (ability to get pregnant), the health of your pregnancy, your menstrual cycle, and other health conditions.
4.2 Why I need an estrogen test before pregnancy Estradiol test or estrone test is used to help:
Find out the reason for early or late puberty in girls Find out the reason for late puberty in boys Diagnosing menstrual problems Finding the cause of infertility (not being able to get pregnant) Keeping track of infertility treatments Tracking menopause treatments Finding tumors that produce estrogen Tests for the hormone estriol used to:
Help diagnose certain birth defects during pregnancy. Monitoring a high-risk pregnancy If you are pregnant, your healthcare provider may order an estriol test between the 15th and 20th weeks of pregnancy as part of pre-testing. at birth is called a triple screening test. It can find out if your child is at risk for genetic birth defects like Down syndrome. Not all pregnant women need an estriol test, but it is recommended for women who are at higher risk of having a baby with a birth defect. You may be at higher risk if you:
Have a family history of birth defects 35 years or older Have diabetes Have a viral infection during pregnancy Estrogen can be tested in blood, urine or saliva . Blood or urine is usually tested at a doctor's office or lab. A saliva test can be done at home.
For a blood test, a health care professional will take a blood sample from a vein in your arm with a fine needle.
For urinalysis, your healthcare provider may ask you to collect all of the urine that is passed in a 24-hour period. This is called a 24-hour urine sample test. For this test, your healthcare provider or laboratory specialist will give you a container to collect your urine and instructions on how to collect and store your sample.

Xét nghiệm estrone giúp tìm vấn đề gây vô sinh
Xét nghiệm estrone giúp tìm vấn đề gây vô sinh
4.3 What do pre-pregnancy estrogen test results mean? If your estradiol or estrone levels are higher than normal, it could be due to:
A tumor of the ovaries, adrenal glands or testicles Cirrhosis of the liver Precocious puberty in girls; delayed puberty in boys If your estradiol or estrone levels are lower than normal, it could be due to:
Primary ovarian failure, a condition that causes a woman's ovaries to stop working before age 40 Turner syndrome , a condition in which a woman's sexual characteristics do not develop properly Eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa, Polycystic ovary syndrome, a common hormone disorder that affects women giving birth to lay. It is one of the leading causes of female infertility. If you're pregnant and your estriol levels are lower than normal, it could mean you're having a broken pregnancy or there's a chance your baby has a birth defect. If testing suggests a possible birth defect, you'll need further testing before a diagnosis can be made. Higher estriol levels could mean you're about to go into labor. Normally, estriol levels rise about four weeks before you start labor. If you have questions about your results, talk to your healthcare provider.
Vinmec International General Hospital is implementing a pre-pregnancy health care and counseling program to help mothers prepare for the best health before pregnancy. With this program, you will receive:
General health examination, especially gynecological examination, to help assess the possibility of conception as well as the health of mother and baby during pregnancy. Vaccination before pregnancy, helps prevent many dangerous diseases, especially Rubella. Genetic counseling helps identify risk factors, helps clients and families make decisions, and prevents occurrence or re-emergence in the family. Screening detects healthy people carrying disease genes, especially hemolytic anemia.

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