Taking care of newborns after resuscitation

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The article is expertly consulted by Master, Doctor Truong Thanh Tam - Pediatrician - Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.
The basic methods of resuscitation for newborns include keeping warm, clearing the airways, and providing respiratory support. Immediately after, neonatal care after resuscitation also plays an important role in the life and normal development of the newborn.

1. What does neonatal resuscitation include?

Neonatal resuscitation techniques are essential for newborns in cases such as: The mother has a chronic illness, a history of miscarriage, a child has died at infancy, pre-eclampsia, premature birth, etc. multiple pregnancy, abnormal position, prolonged labor, prolapse of the umbilical cord, rupture of membranes or amniotic fluid mixed with meconium,...
Neonatal resuscitation steps should be taken within the first minute after birth if found Newborn babies show no crying, no breathing or hiccups within 30 seconds of birth.
Tasks to do include drying, keeping warm, opening the airway, providing respiratory support (with a balloon and mask) combined with chest compressions for the child. Performing the above operations well can save the life of a baby asphyxiated.

Hồi sức sơ sinh giúp cứu sống trẻ bị ngạt
Hồi sức sơ sinh giúp cứu sống trẻ bị ngạt

2. How to take care of the newborn after resuscitation?

After resuscitation, vital signs return to normal, the neonate is still at risk of severe disease. Therefore, after providing respiratory support to the child and ensuring circulation, the person in charge of resuscitation of the newborn should:
Stop providing respiratory support; Put the baby in skin-to-skin contact with the mother as soon as possible; Closely monitor the infant's dyspnea, signs of asphyxia, and plan further treatment.

3. Stop neonatal resuscitation

Cases where neonatal resuscitation should be discontinued after a period of intensive resuscitation are:
The child has apnea and cardiac arrest for more than 10 minutes; The child is not breathing on his own, the heart rate is less than 60 beats/minute for more than 20 minutes of intensive neonatal resuscitation. The medical staff will then complete the application and explain to the parents of the child that the child has died. Finally, return the children to their parents according to their wishes.
It is necessary to strictly follow the principles of neonatal care after resuscitation to improve the success rate, save the child's life and minimize the risk of possible risks.

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Nên để trẻ da kề da với mẹ sớm sau khi hồi sức sơ sinh
At Vinmec International General Hospital, there is an ultrasound machine in the delivery room that can measure the position of the fetus's head in the mother's pelvis to help predict a difficult birth, or easy for the doctor to choose the appropriate birth method. Safe for mother and child. Each delivery room has the most modern neonatal care car, full of equipment from warm lights, baby scales, baby's health assessment system (measures heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, blood oxygen). )... helps in timely diagnosis and treatment of health problems of children at birth.
Master. Truong Thanh Tam has 15 years of experience in pediatrics and especially has a lot of experience in hematology, resuscitation and pediatric oncology. The doctor has participated in many national and international scientific conferences on pediatrics and participated in many short-term training courses and was certified as "Pediatric Core Instructor", by Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy. grant. Currently, she is a Pediatrician at the Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.

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