Surgery to remove a tumor in the chest wall

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Chest wall tumor is a tumor located in the outer part of the bone, in the chest cavity. When the tumor appears, whether it is a benign chest wall tumor or a malignant chest wall tumor, the size of the tumor will cause many difficulties for the patient.

1. What is a chest wall tumor?

Chest wall tumors English name is Chest wall tumors. When present, this tumor is extra-bone at the thoracic site. Whether benign or malignant, chest wall tumors can affect lung function.
Occurrence of chest wall tumors is divided into two categories:
1.1 Classified as secondary Tumors arise from a previous disease, also known as a consequence of a previous disease the patient had.
1.2 Primary classification A disease that occurs spontaneously not because of previous illnesses the patient has had.
Soft tissue is the common site of malignant chest wall tumors. Tumors appear in soft parts of the body such as in the flesh or skin. Patients can have lipomas, hemangiomas, soft tissues,...
When the tumor appears, depending on the size, location and growth rate of the tumor, it will cause many difficulties and pain. for the patient. If the tumor is a benign breast wall tumor, it can be treated with drugs or surgery, depending on the size of the tumor. If it is a malignant tumor, this is a serious problem.

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U thành ngực xuất hiện bên ngoài xương tại vị trí lồng ngực

2. Signs of chest wall tumor

Benign chest wall tumors can cause symptoms that patients may see such as:
Chest pain Swelling in the chest area Muscle atrophy Malignant chest wall tumors include symptoms like benign tumors and are accompanied by other symptoms. the following signs:
Can see a lump or swelling protruding out of the chest Difficulty breathing Swelling, tightness in the chest Chest pain Weakness, muscle aches There are also many cases of chest wall malignancy but not any symptoms. Therefore, the best way to detect it in time is to go to the doctor regularly, or if you see signs of chest pain, you should go to the doctor.
Symptoms of chest wall tumor can be mistaken for mediastinal tumor because they all have symptoms of shortness of breath, chest pain,...

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Nên đi kiểm tra nếu thấy các hiện tượng đau tức vùng ngực

3. Why is the chest wall tumor?

Chest wall tumor has not yet found the main cause, but most of the causes are due to genetic factors, or appear due to the process of eating and living lifestyle.

4. When is the surgery needed to remove the tumor in the chest wall?

The doctor prescribes surgery for chest wall tumor when the tumor is large enough to affect the patient's aesthetics as well as the tumor causing limitations on the functional activities of the body. Treatment decisions will depend on the type of chest wall tumor as well as where it is found. Sometimes chest wall tumors are benign, show no signs of growth, but the doctor still requires removal. If a benign tumor interferes with organ function, impedes movement, or causes muscles to atrophy, the tumor may require surgery. Benign tumors may not require treatment if they do not impair vital organ function.

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Pháp đồ điều trị dựa trên kích thước và đặc tính của khối u

Breast wall tumor removal surgery requires surgeons with experience, skilled techniques, and modern and hygienic equipment to bring the highest efficiency.
Depending on the location, growth rate as well as the size of the tumor, whether it is benign or malignant, the doctor can choose the method of surgery for the chest wall tumor to avoid interfering with other functional activities of the patient. body. If you notice any signs of chest pain, or abnormalities, see a thoracic surgeon.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.

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