Does a sore throat during pregnancy have any effects?

A sore throat during pregnancy is a condition many people encounter, causing discomfort, causing pregnant mothers to have a fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, body fatigue and more or less affecting the health of the fetus. To treat sore throat during pregnancy, you must have a doctor's prescription and absolutely do not use medicine indiscriminately.

1. What is a sore throat?

Not only normal people but also pregnant women are susceptible to sore throat. This is a type of disease that manifests as a common inflammatory condition that causes pain, burning in the throat and difficulty swallowing saliva in the patient.

For normal people, the disease will heal completely after a week without leaving any damage or sequelae. However, for pregnant women, sore throat not only weakens the mother's health but also endangers the health of the fetus.

2. Does a sore throat affect pregnant women?

Many pregnant women are worried and do not know if a sore throat will have any effects on pregnant women. In fact, to treat sore throats in pregnant women, it is necessary to use specific drugs. The drugs will pass through the bloodstream to the umbilical cord of the fetus and more or less affect the baby. Therefore, this concern is not unfounded.

Pregnant women with sore throats will change the hormones during pregnancy and reduce the resistance of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Especially in the first 3 months of pregnancy, because the pregnant woman's resistance is reduced, the disease will not be cured on its own. The longer it is left, the more it will affect her health and increase the risk of complications. Therefore, pregnant women are required to take medicine to treat pharyngitis, which can be dangerous to the formation and development of the fetus.

Pregnant women with sore throat
Pregnant women with sore throat

Similarly, pregnant women with pharyngitis in the last 3 months can cause effects such as lung disorders, prolonging pregnancy, slowing down the labor process... extremely dangerous.

In fact, any pregnant woman with pharyngitis during pregnancy caused by viruses or bacteria poses risks to the full development of the fetus in the womb, can cause hypoxia in the fetus and increase the risk of premature birth in the mother. Therefore, pregnant women need to learn about pharyngitis to prevent it throughout pregnancy.

3. Causes of pharyngitis during pregnancy

The main cause of pharyngitis during 
pregnancy is mainly due to viruses or bacteria. In addition, pregnant women with pharyngitis can also be due to:

  • Decreased resistance and immune system, susceptible to viruses and bacteria;
  • Due to poor daily living habits;
  • Using unsanitary foods;
  • Living in a polluted environment;
  • Poor oral hygiene;
  • Unstable weather.

4. Warning signs of pharyngitis during pregnancy

The symptoms and signs of pharyngitis during pregnancy are very clear, pregnant women will often experience symptoms such as:

• Chills, cold sweats;
• Fatigue, lethargy;
• High fever;
• Dry lips, dirty tongue, dry throat;

• Pain in the ear when swallowing;
• Coughing with mucus, hoarseness;
• When examining, the throat mucosa is red, increased secretion.

Sore throat makes pregnant women tired
Sore throat makes pregnant women tired

5. Methods of treating sore throat during pregnancy

Pregnant women with a sore throat, if detected early, can apply folk remedies such as drinking ginger honey water, grilled orange juice, lemon honey or gargling with diluted salt water, boiled potato water... In addition, you can use lozenges to treat sore throat. Absolutely do not use Paracetamol to relieve pain or reduce fever on your own.

In case of severe sore throat, pregnant women need to go to the hospital to be examined by a specialist and prescribed appropriate treatment methods, without affecting the development of the fetus in the womb.

6. How to prevent pharyngitis during pregnancy?

To prevent pharyngitis during pregnancy, pregnant women can apply some of the following measures:

  • Always keep the house clean and airy so that viruses and bacteria have no place to hide;
  • Practice good oral hygiene daily, rinse your mouth with diluted salt water to disinfect your teeth and throat."
  • Limit adding too much salt to your daily diet and limit the use of fried, stir-fried, spicy, and hot foods;

You should eat lots of green vegetables and fruits to supplement vitamins for your body;
Limit going to crowded places, if you have to go out, you should wear a mask to protect against dust and prevent respiratory infections.

In case you have taken precautions but still have pharyngitis during pregnancy, you need to go to the hospital so that the doctor can examine and accurately diagnose the condition and give you a reasonable treatment plan. Absolutely do not let the disease heal on its own or buy medicine to treat it at home. All pregnant women with sore throats need to do the following:

• Limit talking or shouting;
• Eat foods rich in nutrients, easy to digest, do not eat salty, sour, spicy foods and do not eat after 9 pm;
• Drink plenty of warm water and fruit juice;
• Keep the bedroom airy and warm.

In short, pregnant women have a weakened immune system, so the risk of getting sore throats is quite high. Therefore, every pregnant woman needs to pay attention to maintaining good body hygiene, clean oral hygiene, and avoid going to crowded places and epidemic areas about flu.

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