Slow progression of periodontitis: What you need to know

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The article was written by Specialist Doctor II Nguyen Khanh Nam - Doctor of Odonto-Stomatology, Department of General Surgery - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.

Slow progression periodontitis often progresses over many years, so it is also called adult periodontitis or chronic inflammatory periodontitis.

1. What is slow progressive periodontitis?

Slow progression periodontitis is a consequence of the spread of the inflammatory process that started in the gums to the periodontal tissues, causing destruction of bone in the teeth and ligaments around the teeth.

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2. Causes of slow progressing periodontitis

Slow progressing periodontitis is a multifactorial disease, which is the result of a complex interaction of many factors, the progression of periodontitis is caused by an imbalance between the penetration of bacteria into the system on the one hand. adhesion system and host. Progressive periodontitis is associated with the accumulation of bacterial plaque, or closely related to oral hygiene. Although the host's immunity may be variable, slowly progressive periodontitis is unlikely to be associated with immunodeficiency and systemic abnormalities. Some systemic diseases, such as diabetes and immunodeficiency, can accelerate the progression of periodontitis, increasing the extent and extent of tissue destruction. In terms of bacteria, in general, the plaque in the subgingival area usually has Actinomyces species and colonies...

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3. Diagnosis of slow progressive periodontitis

3.1 Clinical Gingivitis, mild to moderate swelling due to plaque accumulation. Gums from pink to red, gingival papillae flatten, bleeding gums, inflammatory fluid leaks, gums lose adhesion around teeth, alveolar bone loss forms gum pockets, teeth loosen. Pain or may be painless but localized dullness. The disease is usually present in both jaws. 3.2 Subclinical X-ray film: alveolar bone resorption, tooth displacement.
3.3 Differential diagnosis Slow progressive periodontitis with rapidly progressive periodontitis beginning in adults.
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