Silent Brain Infarction: What you need to know

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According to many studies, 80% of strokes are caused by cerebral infarction. Cerebral infarction is a very dangerous disease, which will leave many serious complications if not treated promptly.

1. What is cerebral infarction?

The lack of blood to the brain, insufficient and prolonged supply leads to lack of oxygen and glucose, which will cause that part of the brain to die. The part of the brain that dies due to insufficient blood supply is called a cerebral infarction.
Cerebral infarction includes pathological processes that reduce blood flow to an area of ​​the brain due to vascular stenosis, cerebral vascular occlusion or hypotension. When these symptoms occur, the blood supply to the brain is cut off, which is called cerebral ischemia.

2. Causes of cerebral infarction

Cerebral infarction can be caused by the following causes, with the rate of patients having cerebral infarction:
Atherothrombotic disease of large vessels accounts for 50%, of which large blood vessels outside the skull account for 45 %, large blood vessels in the skull account for 5%. Causes from heart-related diseases that cause blood clots such as heart valve disease, atrial fibrillation, ... account for about 20%.

Các cục huyết khối trong cơ thể là một trong những nguyên nhân chính dẫn tới nhồi máu não
Các cục huyết khối trong cơ thể là một trong những nguyên nhân chính dẫn tới nhồi máu não

Occlusion of small blood vessels inside the brain accounts for 25%. Patients with non-atherosclerotic arterial disease accounted for < 5%. Blood-related diseases account for <5%. Other subjective causes are mainly due to the patient's living habits such as:
Smoking, pipe tobacco, inhaling a lot of secondhand smoke. Eat a lot of foods containing cholesterol, eat too salty, or too sweet, low in fiber. Have high blood pressure. Due to genetic inheritance.

3. What are the symptoms of cerebral infarction?

Symptoms of "silent" cerebral infarction are so dangerous that the patient himself cannot predict because they often occur suddenly while sleeping. Therefore, relatives can not "return to hand" in time.
Other symptoms the patient may notice such as headache, nausea, vomiting.
When seeing a patient with abnormal symptoms as above, need to give first aid immediately or immediately take the patient to a medical facility for timely examination and intervention by a doctor, maximum time from 3-6 hours from the appearance of the signs, avoiding long-term will leave sequelae of serious injury for the patient, for life.
Patients may have a disorder of consciousness if the area of ​​​​infarction is large, there is an infarction in the brain stem or cerebral infarction in both hemispheres of the brain.

Bệnh nhân bị nhồi máu não có thể xuất hiện triệu chứng đau đầu buồn nôn
Bệnh nhân bị nhồi máu não có thể xuất hiện triệu chứng đau đầu buồn nôn

4. Is brain infarction dangerous?

Cerebral infarction is very dangerous, because the sequelae of the disease leave if not treated promptly.
4.1 Hemiplegia According to statistics, up to 92% of people with cerebral infarction will have hemiplegia complications. Not only has reduced or lost mobility, the patient also has many other functional disorders, such as visual, sensory, or cognitive disorders,...
4.2 Language disorders Language disorders Language is also a consequence of cerebral infarction. The patient lost voice, slurred speech due to local damage in the brain area.
4.3 Urinary incontinence Caused by circular muscle disorder

5. Is cerebral infarction curable?

The disease can be cured, depending on the severity, or mildness of the disease, early or late detection and treatment.

Nhồi máu não có thể chữa trị nếu được phát hiện kịp thời
Nhồi máu não có thể chữa trị nếu được phát hiện kịp thời

In addition, when treating cerebral infarction, patients can combine with drugs, food, as well as other exercise methods so that treatment can help patients return to normal life. as before.

6. How to avoid cerebral infarction?

To avoid heart attack, it is necessary to take care of yourself with a healthy, moderate lifestyle, diet:
Periodic medical examination, especially for those who are suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, valve disease. Heart disease or heart arrhythmias to early detect and control risk factors for cerebral infarction If a stroke is detected, the patient should avoid acidic foods, abstain from foods containing vitamin K. Should eat foods rich in antioxidants such as: Legumes such as sesame oil, sunflower oil, peanuts, bean sprouts, soybeans, cauliflower, fruits such as watermelon, apple, na, ... Eat healthy: Eat a lot of fiber such as vegetables and fruits, limit eating foods high in cholesterol, reduce salt intake, limit alcohol, tobacco, other stimulants Exercise to improve health, avoid diabetes stress, stress. To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
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