Signs of varicose veins

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The article was professionally consulted with Master, Doctor Nguyen Minh Son - Interventional Cardiologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
Varicose veins of the hand are enlarged veins. Although the disease is not dangerous to the health of the patient, it can be unsightly. Varicose veins of the hand have no obvious cause, diagnosed mainly by clinical symptoms.

1. What is varicose veins of the hand?

Varicose veins of the hand is a condition in which the veins of the hand are weakened, dilated, and larger than normal. People with varicose veins of the hands often have large, blue zigzag veins, most prominently on the back of the hand and wrist down. Varicose veins reduce blood flow from the veins to the heart.
Normally the vascular valves here do not work well, thereby making it harder for blood to flow than usual. The consequences are often discomfort and enlargement, in severe cases, the patient can feel pain in the veins.

2. Some causes of varicose veins of the hand

Varicose veins often have no obvious cause. Factors that cause this condition can be due to:
Age: This is one of the main causes of varicose veins in the hands. As we age, the valves in the veins weaken, making it harder for blood to flow from the veins to the heart. In the long run, the vein wall becomes thicker, thereby causing varicose veins; Underweight, malnutrition: For underweight or malnourished people, the reduced subcutaneous fat layer can easily see blood vessels; Temperature: When the ambient temperature rises, the body adapts to cool itself by pumping blood to the veins near the surface of the skin. This increases the risk of varicose veins. Conversely, when the ambient temperature drops lower, varicose veins are less likely; Heavy exercise: Blood pressure increases during exercise, and veins also dilate. However, they will return to normal when the body is rested. In case of heavy exercise for a long time, the veins are likely to be permanently dilated without being able to recover; Congenital: Is inherited from generation to generation; Phlebitis: This often occurs in people with an infection, injury, or autoimmune disorder; Superficial vein thrombosis: A condition in which the superficial blood vessels near the surface of the skin are blocked by blood clots. People with superficial vein thrombosis often have symptoms of pain and discomfort but are not life-threatening. This phenomenon occurs when the patient has an injury or a prolonged intravenous blood transfusion.

Có nhiều nguyên nhân khác nhau gây tình trạng suy giãn tĩnh mạch tay
Có nhiều nguyên nhân khác nhau gây tình trạng suy giãn tĩnh mạch tay

3. Some treatment methods for varicose veins of the hands

Depending on the cause, there are different treatments for varicose veins. Because varicose veins are not life-threatening, but they are cosmetically unsightly, there are ways to fix them:
Removal of varicose veins: A surgical method to remove the damaged veins. dilatation by small incisions; Sclerotherapy: A sclerotherapy drug is injected into the vein with the aim of causing the vein walls to stick together. From there the varicose veins will be removed. Laser method: By using the heat of laser beams (radio waves, high frequency waves) to burn and remove varicose veins. Removing and connecting veins: Removing a part of a vein will not affect the activity and function of pumping blood back to the heart, because there are already other veins working in place of those veins. This technique is often used for large veins. For varicose veins caused by phlebitis, antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs can be treated in combination with keeping the hands warm and keeping the hands elevated. In patients with thrombosis, the pain disappears on its own after 3-4 weeks. In addition, patients can use functional products in combination with the treatment process or topical creams with veins in close proximity to the skin for the best treatment results. In people with superficial vein thrombosis, the doctor may prescribe anticoagulants. Varicose veins of the hands, although not affecting health, cause aesthetic loss. Therefore, when the body appears phenomena such as zigzag blue veins, the patient should go to the medical center to receive advice from the doctor.
Vinmec International General Hospital treats varicose veins for patients with a scientific treatment regimen and the support of modern equipment, a team of highly trained and qualified cardiologists. technical performance certificate. Hybrid operating room is equipped with advanced equipment such as DSA angiography machine, anesthesia machine with the most closely integrated patient hemodynamic monitoring software (PiCCO system, entropy,...). Therefore, Vinmec promises to be able to meet the requirements of surgery and angioplasty, coronary stenting, aortic stent grafting, open heart surgery, heart valve replacement for congenital heart diseases with modern techniques that are minimally invasive. most invasive, safe, help patients recover health soon.

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