Signs of postpartum depression do not ignore

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Although it is very common and there are many heartbreaking events happening from mothers with postpartum depression, however, when it comes to this disease, many people are confused and do not know what depression is. ?

In addition to depression during pregnancy, postpartum women are also susceptible to this disease, it can start at any time in the first year of a baby's life but is most common in the first 3 weeks after giving birth . The mother shows signs of postpartum depression when she constantly feels hopeless, sad, and guilty.
According to psychologists, a woman's body after giving birth often has many sudden changes in the hormonal system, which will lead to fatigue and postpartum depression. In particular, the postpartum period, the immune system, blood volume, blood pressure and metabolism also have changes, which can easily lead to emotional instability. Although the mother has early signs of postpartum depression, it often goes unnoticed until a heartbreaking incident occurs.
Manifestations of postpartum depression will become more dangerous if the mother encounters difficulties in taking care of the baby, family conflicts or financial difficulties...
At this time, she will not be healthy enough. and the mind to take good care of the baby, until the signs of postpartum depression get worse, there will be thoughts of suicide, some people always have a feeling of being harmed, so they find ways to take revenge or deal with everyone want to come close to me. Recognizing the early signs of postpartum depression is the way to protect the mother and baby.
Symptoms of postpartum depression are different and similar to those of pregnancy, including:
Body weakness; Unexplained anxiety and sadness all day, feeling body aches, or a tight feeling that it's hard to breathe; Alarm; Constantly obsessed with something; Sleep disorders; She is withdrawn and does not want to socialize with people; Stress, memory loss, difficulty concentrating. When the mother has the first signs of postpartum depression, the support of the family plays a very important role, helping the mother to quickly overcome and recover health. However, in case of severe postpartum depression, it is necessary to take the mother to the hospital for examination and treatment to limit the unfortunate consequences.
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