Should you feed your baby asparagus?

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Asparagus is a highly nutritious food that has been shown to have many health benefits for both adults and children. Many nutritionists recommend that parents should supplement asparagus for their baby with reasonable weaning so that the child is fully provided with essential nutrients.

1. Health benefits of asparagus for babies

Asparagus is a natural ingredient that contains many essential nutrients for health. Estimated, in 100g asparagus contains: 12.9mg Carbohydrate; 202mg Cali; 20.7mg Calcium; 0.8mg Iron; 905IU Vitamin A; 6.9mg Vitamin C; 0.01mg Vitamin B6; 134 ug Folic Acid; 1.8g fiber.
If parents cook asparagus for the baby to eat, the baby will receive health benefits such as:
Improve the immune system, increase resistance: Because the immune system of young children is not yet complete, eating asparagus can be beneficial. contains many antioxidants, vitamins A and C to help strengthen the child's immune system; Support the digestive system: When eating asparagus, the amount of fiber and carbohydrates in this food support intestinal activity, help soften stools, prevent and treat intestinal diseases effectively. Besides, asparagus also contains a large amount of prebiotics, which help promote intestinal health; Good for the urinary system: Being a natural diuretic, asparagus helps to remove salt and fluid from the body. As a result, adding asparagus to your baby can help prevent urinary tract infections in boys; Fight free radicals: Glutathione in asparagus has the ability to destroy free radicals that cause cell damage; Enhance eyesight for children: The amount of vitamins A and D in asparagus will help children reduce the risk of eye diseases (night blindness, nearsightedness, blurred vision...) and enhance their eyesight; Prevent malnutrition: The content of vitamins and minerals of groups A, K, C, E, B, Iron, Potassium, Phosphorus, Calcium... abundant in asparagus makes this an important food source for baby's physical development. As a result, children can effectively prevent the risk of malnutrition and retardation. Supports brain development: Folic acid found in asparagus is an important nutrient that helps brain and cognitive development in young children. Besides, vitamin K in addition to the ability to increase blood clotting, help strengthen bones also helps reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Mẹ nấu măng tây cho bé ăn dặm sẽ nhận được nhiều lợi ích sức khỏe
Mẹ nấu măng tây cho bé ăn dặm sẽ nhận được nhiều lợi ích sức khỏe

2. Suggestions on how to prepare asparagus for babies to eat

Many parents wonder what to cook asparagus with baby food to make it easier to eat. In fact, asparagus can be used to process into many attractive dishes such as: stir-fried asparagus with beef, asparagus salad, or grilled dishes, stews, soups, mannequins... However, for children, how to prepare it? Making weaning dishes can be simpler. Here are some suggestions on how to prepare asparagus for babies that parents can refer to:
Baby corn asparagus soup: Chop and wash asparagus; slice the corn. Add asparagus, corn, and crab meat to the island quickly. Pour broth, add some seasoning and bring to a boil. Crack the eggs slowly and stir quickly to dissolve. Slowly pour the cornstarch mixture with a little water into the pot and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil until the soup is slightly thickened. Wait until it is warm for the baby to use. Pumpkin Asparagus Porridge: Wash and cut asparagus into small pieces; Peel the pumpkin and cut it into small pieces. Put the pumpkin and asparagus in the steamer. Then put the pumpkin, asparagus and 200ml of chicken broth in a blender. Pour the blended mixture into the pot, bring to a boil and add a little seasoning for the baby to complete. This is a simple porridge, rich in vitamins and fiber, good for the baby's digestive system. Shrimp Asparagus Porridge: Wash the rice and pour it into the pot to cook until it's cooked through. Preliminary processing of shrimp (peeled, head removed, back only, washed) then minced. Wash asparagus, cut into small pieces and puree. When the porridge is cooked, add the shrimp meat and stir for 3 minutes. Then add the minced asparagus one by one and cook for 4 minutes. Add some seasoning and turn off the heat. When scooping out the porridge, the mother adds a little olive oil, mixes well and feeds the baby while the porridge is still warm. Note when processing asparagus for babies: When processing asparagus, pay attention to wash carefully. Should split the bamboo shoots into small pieces to cook will absorb the spices more evenly. In addition, young asparagus is very crispy, so it can be bent to get the young part. The rest can be cooked with rock sugar to make a diuretic and effective liver detox drink. If it is not possible to cook immediately, asparagus can be dried for storage.

Chế biến măng tây cho bé ăn dặm có thể kết hợp với nhiều thực phẩm khác
Chế biến măng tây cho bé ăn dặm có thể kết hợp với nhiều thực phẩm khác

3. Things to keep in mind when feeding children asparagus

Despite its many health benefits, asparagus is also a food that can cause gas and indigestion in babies. Therefore, for children just starting to eat solid foods, whose digestive system is still immature and not fully developed, parents should not include asparagus in their baby's daily diet.
The most suitable time to cook asparagus for babies is when the baby is 8 - 12 months old. At this time, the child's digestive system is more complete, the chewing-swallowing reflex has also been mastered and can eat a variety of raw foods.
There are also some other notes when processing asparagus that parents should know, that is:
Asparagus is very quickly spoiled if not stored in the refrigerator, so buyers need to use it as soon as possible. For effective preservation, wrap asparagus in newspaper and place in the refrigerator; Canned bamboo shoots often lose many nutrients and contain a lot of salt. Therefore, use should be limited for children; Asparagus can be frozen and still retain vitamins; When choosing asparagus, choose the ones with bright colors, firm stems, not crushed, no signs of mold; Eating a lot of asparagus can cause bloating, so don't give it to your baby too much. Through the above sharing, hopefully parents have had more information about the benefits of asparagus and how to prepare asparagus for babies to eat. Surely, when giving children to try this nutritious and beautiful green food, they will be extremely excited.
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