Should I use essential oils to repel mosquitoes?

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A family of 4 in Hoa Binh was hospitalized after using essential oils to repel mosquitoes in the form of a sauna 24 hours a day and for several days in a row. Symptoms encountered after a few days of use are headache, nausea, dizziness.

Currently, on the market, there are many types of mosquito repellent essential oils for sale. Therefore, the question "is it possible to use mosquito repellent essential oil and should it be used?" is getting a lot of attention.
According to entomologists of the Central Institute of Malaria, Parasitology & Entomology, the reason 4 people from Hoa Binh were hospitalized was not due to poisoning with essential oils to repel mosquitoes. In fact, the type of chemical that the family used was smuggled from China, with the active ingredient being Cypermethrin, the effect is to kill worms, mosquitoes and insects in general.
In fact, the inhalation of essential oils to repel mosquitoes from plants such as rosemary, lemongrass, mint, lavender will not be toxic to users and decompose well into the environment. Currently, essential oils to repel mosquitoes often have many ingredients, including some active ingredients that affect insects through smell, making them uncomfortable to fly away or not be able to detect a human host. people and animals to sting.
Studies in the world and in Vietnam show that the current insect repellent essential oil is basically less toxic due to its low concentration, safety, and no unwanted reactions to people when exposed and used. Vietnam has not recorded acute toxicity and clinical manifestations when using essential oils to repel insects.
On the issue of "should I use essential oils to repel mosquitoes?", an expert from the National Institute of Malaria, Parasites & Insects, confirmed: It is completely possible to use essential oils to repel mosquitoes. However, only essential oils that have been tested and registered by the Ministry of Health should be used for household and medical use. The product must have a registration number and certification of the Drug Administration of Vietnam (VNDP), with specific information on instructions for use and dosage.
In addition to using essential oils to repel mosquitoes, you can also use mosquito scents that are quite popular because they are easy to use, have good effect and are not expensive. Whether it is a small room or a large room, when using insect repellent products that are recommended in the form of vapors (i.e. vaporizing essential oils or burning mosquito scents), there should be no people during the sauna and 30 minutes after the sauna. ensure safety and avoid poisoning with essential oils to repel mosquitoes.

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