Should I take birth control pills every day while breastfeeding?

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Using birth control pills daily makes birth control simple and effective, it's common for women to choose daily birth control pills. However, there are many cases of improper use, especially in the use of oral contraceptives for lactation, so there has been a situation of "disruption of the plan" despite regular use of the drug.
Most women are worried about whether they should use birth control pills every day to breastfeed their babies? When using the drug, will it affect breast milk or not? The breastfeeding period is quite sensitive, any food or drink of the mother will affect breast milk, so before using any medicine, including emergency contraception when giving birth to a baby. Breastfeeding must consult a pharmacist or doctor.
Currently, birth control pills for breastfeeding include 2 types: Progestin-only pills and combined oral contraceptives. Both progestin-only and combined oral contraceptives are effective in preventing pregnancy, specifically:
Progestin-only birth control pills: This is a type of daily birth control pill. Breastfeeding does not affect lactation and milk quality. According to WHO recommendations, women should take a progestin-only contraceptive while breastfeeding about 6 weeks after giving birth because by this time lactation has been fully established. Combined oral contraceptives: Although these are more effective than progestin-only contraceptives, women should not use combined oral contraceptives while breastfeeding, especially in the first time because contain estrogen. If you want to use a mixed type of birth control pill, you should wait until after the baby is 6 months old because at this time, the baby can accept a wider variety of foods. To ensure safety when using birth control pills for breastfeeding, women need to consult a specialist doctor for the most detailed instructions.

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