Should babies suck on pacifiers?

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Whether or not a child should suck on a pacifier will consider the benefits and risks to the baby's health. If deciding to use a pacifier for an infant, parents must know how to use it properly, limit its prolonged use, and regularly check and replace the pacifier after use.

1. The benefits and risks of giving your baby a pacifier

When using a pacifier for babies can bring a number of benefits, but besides it also brings many negative sides for the baby.
1.1. The benefits of a pacifier for babies Since pacifiers are made of a soft material that is relatively similar to a breast, sucking on a pacifier can reduce the amount of time your baby spends on the breast when there's no need to suckle. especially in babies who have a habit of sleeping while sucking on their mother's breast. Pacifiers are a method used by many mothers to help their babies fall asleep on their own, making it easier to fall asleep. Because many babies can't fall asleep on their own without a breast or a cuddle, many mothers choose to practice putting their baby to sleep by using a pacifier. If your baby is fussy due to hunger and still can't respond right away, using a pacifier can help reduce the fussiness and give you time to finish the work that needs to be done. Sometimes, when a baby is fussy or anxious, using a pacifier instead of the breast can help reassure the baby. American scientists have studied and found that sucking on a pacifier while sleeping helps reduce the risk of sudden death. 1.2 The risks of using a pacifier for babies Besides some benefits of using a pacifier for babies, there are also many potential harms such as:
Affects the ability to distinguish between mother and baby. Pacifiers: When the baby uses a pacifier too early, it can affect the breastfeeding process, because the baby is confused between the reducer and the mother's nipple. Using a pacifier increases the risk of otitis media: Evidence has shown that using a pacifier is associated with otitis media in children in general, especially children over 6 months of age. Causes dental problems: If used for a long time, the baby's front teeth will be at risk of being slanted or even affecting the upper jaw structure, thereby adversely affecting the development. of teeth. Risk of protruding front teeth and deviating the bite, making the teeth not fit. In addition, when sucking on a pacifier will increase saliva production, so more tartar is formed, increasing the risk of oral infections. The baby's tongue when sucking the pacifier will be in a low position, tending to come forward, causing the mouth to open and the lower jaw to come out. Babies often swallow air when using a pacifier. Too much air in the stomach will make the baby's stomach full. When the baby is given a pacifier, the baby will depend on the nipple, without the nipple, the baby will not sleep or be very uncomfortable. In particular, when it is necessary to stop, the pacifier will have to be weaned off, so weaning off the pacifier may not be easy for the child. If the pacifier is not cleaned regularly and properly, it can easily cause sore throat or diarrhea. Many teething babies tend to bite pacifiers, if they are easy to swallow while sleeping, they can cause choking.

Tiềm ẩn một số rủi ro khi sử dụng núm ngậm cho trẻ sơ sinh
Tiềm ẩn một số rủi ro khi sử dụng núm ngậm cho trẻ sơ sinh

2. Should children suck on pacifiers?

As a general recommendation, parents should not let their children suck on pacifiers because of many potential risks to the health of children.
But in fact, many parents still decide to use a pacifier for their baby. If deciding to use a pacifier for a newborn, parents must know how to use it properly, limit its prolonged use, regularly check and replace the pacifier after a period of use, and clean the pacifier. to avoid pathogenic microorganisms and always understand the potential risks affecting children to take note when using.

3. Some measures to help limit the use of pacifiers for babies

To limit the use of pacifiers for babies and young children, parents can take some of the following measures:
Understand the cause of your use of a pacifier to solve it by other measures before giving your baby a pacifier. For example: Instead of using a pacifier to put your baby to sleep, you can use other methods such as patting the baby, singing lullabies, rubbing his back... It's important to understand the baby's personality when sleeping to find suitable measures. without affecting the baby. If your baby refuses the pacifier, don't force it. Respecting a child's choice is a good thing, given the fact that pacifier use carries many risks of disease. The most important thing for parents to limit the use of pacifiers for children is to understand and always keep in mind the negative effects caused by pacifiers on children.

Nếu quyết định sử dụng núm ngậm cho trẻ sơ sinh thì cha mẹ phải biết sử dụng đúng cách
Nếu quyết định sử dụng núm ngậm cho trẻ sơ sinh thì cha mẹ phải biết sử dụng đúng cách
In summary, the general recommendation is that pacifiers should not be given to children because of many potential risks to the health of children. In fact, many parents still decide to use a pacifier for their baby. Therefore, if you have decided to use a pacifier for an infant, parents must know how to use it properly, limit prolonged use, regularly check and replace the pacifier after a period of use.
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