Should babies drink milk while sleeping?

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Some parents choose to breastfeed or bottle-feed their babies while they're sleeping so it doesn't interfere with their baby's nighttime sleep, or maybe because it's the only way to feed the baby without fussing. Therefore, if you are wondering “whether to give milk to your baby while sleeping” then this article can help you make the right decision.

1. What is the method of breastfeeding while sleeping?

Sleep feeding is a method of feeding a baby when he is sleepy or asleep. Your baby may be awake at first, then fall asleep during a feed and continue nursing later, or when he begins to wake up. Sleep-feeding can be a baby or parent-led approach that focuses on problem-solving related to sleep or meals.

2. Should children drink milk while sleeping?

Feeding a sleepy baby may not simply be something you choose to do, instead it may be something you feel obligated to do if your baby refuses to feed while awake or because he's only cooperative when fed while drowsy.
Your baby may partially feed while sleeping. Perhaps your baby will drink some milk, then fall asleep while nursing and finish the rest. Alternatively, your baby can breastfeed exclusively while sleeping. Some of the reasons why babies prefer sleep-feeding include:
Newborns often feel sleepy: Parents often spend a lot of time and effort breastfeeding their babies. Newborns usually begin to nurse awake, drowsy after their initial hunger is satisfied, but continue to suckle while sleeping. Babies only stop feeding when they are deep asleep or when the bottle is finished. The link between eating and sleeping: When a baby sleeps continuously during a feed, sucking can become a sign that sleep is approaching. The association between sucking and sleeping is demonstrated when babies will seek to suck (by reaching, sucking or fussing) whenever they are tired and ready to sleep, regardless of whether they are hungry or not. If breastfed, the baby will quickly fall asleep. Additionally, when fed on demand, a baby who has formed a bond between sucking and sleeping is more likely to have sleep disruptions and wants to feed more often, even if only when drowsy. If the infant's nutritional needs are met during sleep feeding, this will eliminate the need for waking feeding and it is increasingly likely that the infant will feed only in the habitual drowsy state.
Anti-feeding mentality: The pressure caused by trying to force a baby to breastfeed or to continue breastfeeding when the baby doesn't want to make breastfeeding an uncomfortable, stressful experience for both the child and the parent. When repeated over and over, the pressure of breastfeeding can cause a baby to develop a dislike of sucking. When the baby doesn't like to suckle, the baby becomes fussy and refuses to suckle as soon as he realizes he's about to be fed. However, when drowsy or dozing, the baby will let off guard, the instinct kicks in and it sucks better. Over time, the balance between waking and sleeping feeding can shift towards a baby feeding only when drowsy or asleep. Coexistence problems: The three problems described above can occur singly or in combination. Drowsy babies are more likely to develop a suck-sleep bond if parents don't take active steps to prevent this from happening. Due to the combination of sucking and sleeping, over time, babies can develop a habit of only feeding in a drowsy state. A baby's refusal to suckle while awake can cause parents to try to force the baby to suckle. If forced, children easily develop aversion to feeding, adding another complication to the issue. This can happen to breastfed or bottle-fed babies.

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Giải đáp thắc mắc có nên cho trẻ uống sữa khi đang ngủ không?

3. Should babies be breastfed while sleeping if they have reflux?

Many people think that babies with acid reflux prefer to suckle while sleeping. However this is not correct.
When the baby shows signs of discomfort during feeding, he may be experiencing problems related to acid reflux. Sleep doesn't stop your baby from feeling the pain of reflux. If pain is the reason your baby is uncomfortable at the time of feeding while awake, the pain will still keep the baby awake and uncomfortable during feedings while sleeping. The pain is related to the burning effects of acid reflux and is not only present if the baby is nursing while awake. Babies with sucking pain will cry long after they stop feeding.
Feeding distaste is more likely to be the reason why babies are upset if they feed while awake but feed well during sleep.

4. Problems related to breastfeeding while sleeping

Most babies will occasionally or often feed while sleeping without any obvious complications. However, there are always potential problems associated with breastfeeding during sleep as follows:
Sleep deprivation: The relationship between sucking and sleeping can lead to disrupted sleep, which can then cause sleep deprivation. Infants are stressed due to lack of sleep. Insufficient feeding: A chronically sleep-deprived baby may fall asleep before a feeding is complete. A rigid feeding schedule in this case can lead to underfeeding. Overfeeding: Newborns are more likely to overfeed because they have an active sucking reflex. Feeding babies on demand can create overfeeding problems. Gastrointestinal symptoms associated with overfeeding are often mistaken for reflux, milk allergy or intolerance. Cavities: Swallowing frequency is reduced during sleep compared to waking. Milk can stagnate in a child's mouth, creating favorable conditions for bacteria that cause tooth decay to develop. Respiratory: Breastfeeding while drowsy increases the risk of a baby choking or aspirating milk into the lungs. Respiratory tract infections: Studies have shown that sleeping infants are at higher risk of respiratory infections. Financial pressure: Finding a solution that encourages the baby to feed back while awake can be an expensive solution. The first thing that parents often try is switching to formula. Then, keep experimenting with different types of nipples and bottles. When unsuccessful, most parents will then seek medical advice. Usually, babies who show resistance to sucking while awake are diagnosed with acid reflux. This confusion mainly occurs because doctors are not familiar with managing issues such as the association between feeding and sleep, loss of appetite, overfeeding, and other behavioral problems that often affect the body. infant properties. Therefore, the baby will be prescribed medicine, in some cases taking many drugs, can be examined many times. If medication does not improve the situation, the baby may be diagnosed with suspected milk allergy or intolerance and switched to hypoallergenic formula. If that still doesn't help, the baby may be referred to one or more health professionals, a dietitian, a speech therapist, and possibly undergo a series of diagnostic tests. Parental stress: When babies feed only in a drowsy state, making sure they're getting enough to eat dominates family life. Feeding needs to be timed exactly when the baby is asleep or when the baby is awake. Because babies can fall asleep for a short time, the amount of milk fed at each feed may be small, which means that babies demand more feeds than average for their age. Stress arises when parents are always trying to make sure the baby is getting enough.

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Nếu phải cho trẻ ăn trong tình trạng trẻ buồn ngủ, cha mẹ cần để ý đến trẻ kỹ hơn

5. How to safely breastfeed while sleeping?

Parents can feed the baby before going to bed. Try to feed your baby between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m., but it should be at least 2.5 to 4 hours after your baby's last feed. At the same time parents need:
Reduce the light in the room; Avoid talking or loud noises; If breastfeeding, gently hold the sleeping baby on your lap. The baby can be placed on a pillow to nurse in a semi-reclining position. Remove the pillow and lay the baby flat after the baby is finished feeding; Never let a baby nurse or leave a pillow in the crib with a baby unsupervised; Burping is usually not necessary because babies often swallow very little air while they are asleep. If you feel your baby needs to burp, try getting her to sit up straight and rub her back; Bring your baby back to bed while he or she is still asleep after feeding; Change your baby's diaper only if the diaper is wet or heavily soiled. In summary, feeding a drowsy infant may be the best approach if a child refuses to feed while awake or because he or she is only cooperative when fed while drowsy. If you have to feed your child while the child is sleepy, parents need to pay closer attention to the child to prevent related complications such as choking on milk, reflux,...

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