Sex in menopause: What you need to know

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Women in menopause often have common symptoms such as: Vaginal dryness, decreased sex drive. This has a significant impact on the "sexual" life of many middle-aged couples.

1. How does menopause affect sex?

The decline in estrogen and testosterone after menopause can lead to a decrease in a woman's sex drive.
During perimenopause and menopause, women are often not easily aroused or sensitive to sexual acts. In addition, low estrogen levels will adversely affect the blood supply to the vagina, causing vaginal dryness.
Several other factors can also bring about negative effects on a woman's libido needs during menopause and post-menopause, including:
Sleep disturbances Problems with bladder control Photo Anxiety, depression Use of certain medications Other health problems. However, not all women experience a decrease in sex drive during menopause.

Mất ngủ ở thời mãn kinh ảnh hưởng đến ham muốn tình dục
Mất ngủ ở thời mãn kinh ảnh hưởng đến ham muốn tình dục

2. Vaginal Dryness Treatment During Menopause

During and after menopause, vaginal dryness can be effectively treated with water-soluble lubricants, such as: K-Y Jelly or Astroglide. You should not choose water-insoluble lubricants such as: Vaseline, because they can affect the quality of latex (a material commonly used to make condoms). Vaginal moisturizers such as Replens and Luvena can be used regularly to maintain vaginal moisture in menopausal women. In addition, you should also consider taking estrogen therapy to improve vaginal dryness. In addition to lubricants and moisturizers, some medications can also be used once a day, such as: Ospemifene (Osphena), which thickens the vaginal lips and reduces burning pain during sex. . Before using Osphena should consult a doctor.

Khô âm đạo ảnh hưởng đến tình dục ở thời kì mãn kinh
Khô âm đạo ảnh hưởng đến tình dục ở thời kì mãn kinh

3. How to improve sex drive during menopause

During menopause, if your libido drops, you should spend more time cultivating intimacy with your partner.
It is not necessary to have sex, you can still express love and affection for that person through close and loving actions or gestures. In addition, enjoying time together during this period is also extremely important to boost sexual desire for women, such as: Going for a walk, a romantic candlelit evening or simply a massage for each other.
To improve intimacy between two people, you can try the following tips:
Consider masturbating or change your sexual habits Use some distraction techniques to relax and reduce anxiety Sedentary, including: Music, video, television or exercises with sex. Have fun with foreplay, such as a sensual massage, or oral sex. These actions will help you feel more comfortable and improve your ability to “body contact” with your partner. Relieve pain by taking sexual positions that make you feel comfortable and less painful. In addition, you should also shower with warm water and use vaginal lubricant before sex to reduce pain caused by friction. Talk to your partner about what makes you comfortable and vice versa. Reference source:

Vui vẻ với màn dạo đầu giúp cải thiện ham muốn tình dục khi mãn kinh
Vui vẻ với màn dạo đầu giúp cải thiện ham muốn tình dục khi mãn kinh

4. Menopause and sexually transmitted diseases

In fact, menopause is unlikely to protect you from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). It is entirely possible for you to get an STD at any point in your life when you have sex. Furthermore, this risk does not decrease with age or changes in your reproductive system.
Without prompt treatment, some STIs can lead to more serious conditions, such as HIV.
Here are some simple ways to protect yourself from STDs, including:
Don't have sex- the most effective way to prevent STDs Use latex condoms every time you have sex Limit number of sexual partners. The more sex partners you have, the higher your chances of getting an STD. Implement monogamous marriage. That is, having sex with only one person, thereby limiting the risk of STDs. Choose your partner carefully. Do not have sex with people who are at high risk for STDs. Check for STDs periodically to avoid the possibility of spreading the disease to others. Ask your partner to get tested for STDs, because their symptoms are invisible to the naked eye, even without any specific symptoms. If you have multiple sex partners, always use a condom Avoid using drugs or alcohol before having sex Learn about the symptoms of STDs. Any questions that need to be answered by a specialist doctor as well as if you want to be examined and treated at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide or register online. online HERE.
Reference source:

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