Risk factors for brain cancer

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Most risk factors usually affect the development of brain tumors, but do not directly cause this cancer. The risk factors for the disease are different from person to person, and it is possible that a risk factor is present in one person but not in another. Identifying the right risk factors for brain cancer will help doctors make an accurate diagnosis and effectively treat the disease.

1. Brain cancer

Brain tumor can be a collection or mass of abnormal cells in the brain. Any growth inside the brain that goes unchecked can cause problems for the brain.
Brain tumors can be cancerous (malignant) and noncancerous (benign). As benign or malignant tumors grow, they put pressure on the skull, which surrounds the brain and has a hard, firm structure. When it does, the brain can be damaged and even life-threatening.
Brain tumors can be classified into primary and secondary.
Primary brain tumor that originates in the brain. These tumors can develop from: brain cells, membranes surrounding the brain, nerve cells, glands. Primary brain tumors can be benign or cancerous. The most common types of brain tumors in adults are gliomas and meningioma. Secondary brain tumors are also known as metastatic brain tumors. It occurs when cancer cells spread to the brain from another organ in the body, such as the lung or breast. Some secondary brain cancers: lung cancer, breast cancer, kidney cancer, skin cancer. Secondary brain tumors are usually malignancies.

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2. Brain cancer risk factors

Until now, the cause of brain tumors has not been specifically proven by scientific evidence. However, it is possible to rely on a number of risk factors to determine the development of brain cancer.
Age Brain tumors are common in both children and adults. Although it can develop at any age.
Gender In general, men are more likely to get brain cancer than women. However, there are some specific types of brain cancer that are more common in women, such as: meningiomas.
Living and working environment In these places, direct or indirect contact with solvents, pesticides, oil products, rubber or vinyl chloride can increase the risk of developing cancerous masses. Brain. However, to date there is no scientific evidence to support this association.
Family history of the disease. About 5% of brain cancers are related to genetic factors or conditions, including Li-Fraumeni syndrome, neurofibromatosis, basal cell carcinoma syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, Turcot syndrome, and squamous cell carcinoma. von Hippel-Lindau disease. Researchers have found clusters of brain cancer tumors in several families that are not related to genetic conditions. Currently, scientific works are still trying to find the definite cause for these clusters.

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Exposure to infections, viruses and allergens Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection increases the risk of lymphoma. Epstein-Barr virus EBV is commonly known as mononucleosis or mononucleosis virus.
In other studies conducted, high levels of a common virus called cytomegalovirus (CMV) were also found in brain tumor tissue. The implications of this finding are still under investigation.
In addition, there are a number of other viruses that have also been shown to be risk factors for brain tumors. However, these studies have only been done on animals. Therefore, future studies are still needed to provide a scientific basis for determining whether exposure to infections, viruses, or allergens is responsible for an increased risk of asthma. human brain cancer not. Even more remarkable, these studies have shown that patients with a history of allergies or skin conditions have a lower risk of developing glioma.
Electric fields Most studies evaluating the role of electromagnetic fields, such as magnetic energy or cell phone use, show no association with an increased risk of developing cancerous tumors brain in adults.
However, there is some conflicting information regarding risk in children. Therefore, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended limiting the use of mobile phones and encouraging the use of headphones for both adults and children.
Race In the United States, white people are more likely to develop glioma but less likely to develop meningioma than black people. What's more, people from Northern Europe are more than twice as likely to develop brain tumors than in Japan.
Ionizing radiation Previous treatment of the brain or head area with ionizing radiation, including X-rays, has been shown to be one of the risk factors for the development of brain tumors.
Head Injuries and Seizures Serious head trauma has long been studied by scientists for its association with brain tumors.
Several studies have shown an association between head trauma and meningiomas. However, there was no association between head injury and glioma.
A history of seizures has also been shown to be associated with brain tumors. But because brain tumors can cause seizures, it's not known whether seizures increase the risk of developing brain tumors. If the seizures are caused by cancer or if you take anti-epileptic drugs, your risk of developing the disease increases.

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N-nitroso compounds Some dietary and vitamin supplement studies seem to indicate that dietary N-nitroso compounds may increase the risk of both brain tumors in children and adults.
Dietary N-nitroso compounds formed in the body from nitrites or nitrates are commonly found in some meats, tobacco smoke, and cosmetics. However, additional research is still needed to more clearly define this association.
In summary, based on the risk factors, the patient can actively contact the doctor about his condition, so that he can find the exact cause of the disease as well as create favorable conditions for the treatment. treatment course.
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Reference sources: cancer.net, healthline.com
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