Rhinex nasal drops: Uses, dosages, side effects

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Rhinex is a medicine used to treat the symptoms of a runny nose, rhinitis, nasal congestion and swelling in the nostrils caused by sinusitis. In addition, the drug also reduces congestion, hemolysis in the nose and eyes.

1. What are the uses of Rhinex nasal drops?

Rhinex is a medicine that contains the drug Naphazoline. This substance has a rapid local vasoconstrictor effect, reducing congestion and swelling when instilled into the nasal mucosa. Rhinex is usually indicated for use as nasal drops for nasal congestion to relieve symptoms and reduce congestion in the following medical conditions:
Sinus disease Acute or chronic rhinitis Colds or allergies Side In addition, Rhinex nasal drops can also be used to reduce swelling, making it easier to see the lining of the nose and throat before surgery. On the other hand, it also helps to open the blocked eustachian tube in people with ear infections and is also used as a drop in the conjunctiva of the eye to help improve congestion, itching and irritation.

Bệnh viêm xoang có thể sử dụng Rhinex
Bệnh viêm xoang có thể sử dụng Rhinex

2. Rhinex . nasal drops dosage

Dosage of Rhinex for adults and children in case of stuffy nose:
Adults and children over 15 years old: Use a solution with a concentration of 0.05% or 0.1%. Put 1 or 2 drops in each nostril, each time about 3 - 6 hours, use time should not exceed 3-5 days. Children from 6 to 12 years old: Use a solution with a concentration of 0.025% or 0.05%. Instill 1-2 drops or spray one dose into each nostril every 3 to 6 hours as needed and remember, the duration of Rhinex nasal drops should not exceed 3 to 5 days. Children under 6 years of age: No specific dose has been determined. Therefore, consult your doctor if you are planning to give Rhinex to a child. Rhinex dosage in case of conjunctival congestion:
Instill 1-3 drops of 0.1% solution or lower concentration into the conjunctiva, every 3-4 hours. In addition, you must not take the drug continuously for a period of 3-4 days without the guidance of a specialist.

Liều dùng Rhinex dành cho người lớn và trẻ em trong trường hợp bị ngạt mũi khác nhau
Liều dùng Rhinex dành cho người lớn và trẻ em trong trường hợp bị ngạt mũi khác nhau

3. What are the side effects of Rhinex?

Below are some of the harmful effects of Rhinex nasal drops when used to treat that patients are likely to encounter such as:
Patients may also experience a few reactions such as: Burning, burning, dry, or burning sensation. mucosal ulcers, sneezing. Congestion returns with manifestations such as rhinitis , redness and swelling with frequent use, long-term pupil dilation, blurred vision, increased or decreased eye. Some harmful effects of Rhinex nasal drops can cause serious consequences such as: nausea, headache, dizziness, nervousness, palpitations.

4. Notes when using Rhinex . nasal drops

Do not use more than 3 doses of Rhinex nasal drops in a 24-hour period or do not use continuously for 7 days for nasal spray and 5 days for nasal drops. In case you miss a dose, use it as soon as you realize. If you miss any dose, do not take a double dose next time, but consult your doctor to make up for missed or missed doses recently. While taking Rhinex eye drops, if you still feel pain, irritation or blurred vision after 48 hours of taking the drug or have signs of systemic absorption such as nausea, headache, hypothermia, you need to stop the drug and go to the hospital immediately. examination hospital. If you are allergic to Rhinex ingredients, you should not take the medicine and inform your doctor about any prescriptions you are taking now or are taking recently, such as herbal supplements. Supplements, vitamins, supplements, etc. At the same time, the patient should inform the doctor about any medical conditions such as allergies, inherent diseases and their current health status. On the other hand, when using Rhinex, the dosage is based on the patient's medical condition. Therefore, let your doctor know if your condition gets better or worse with the medication. In addition, patients should discontinue the drug and seek medical attention if persistent nasal congestion symptoms persist after 3 days of treatment. In addition, patients should not use Rhinex if they themselves are in one of the following cases: Having diseases such as cardiovascular disease, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, high blood pressure; the patient is taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors; children under 12 years old should consult a doctor; glaucoma and dry rhinitis. Patients should note that Rhinex should not be used at the same time as other drugs or over-the-counter products to avoid changing the effect of the drug. Avoid drugs such as: Albuterol; Arformoterol; Isoproterenol; Terbutaline; Vilanterol; monoamine oxdase inhibitors, maprotilin; Tricyclic antidepressants,... to help reduce the risk of increased side effects.

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