Revealing how to strengthen children's immunity for busy parents

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In young children, the first 5 years of life - the first 5 years (especially 2 years after birth) is the golden window period to strengthen the immune system, helping children have optimal resistance later on. . To strengthen the immune system in children, we must first understand where the child's immunity comes from?

1. Where does the child's immune system mainly come from?

The child's immune system mainly comes from the following sources:
Inherited immunity right from the time in the mother's womb. In the third trimester of pregnancy, antibodies from the mother pass through the placenta to help form the baby's natural immune system. Immunity formed during breastfeeding: With babies who are breastfed right after birth, babies will continue to receive many antibodies from their mothers by passive natural immunity. However, the amount of this antibody will start to decline very quickly after 6 months. When weaning children often get infections and this is also a good time for them to build their own active immune system. In addition, the child's immune system is also created by the child's own body and through information. through the nutrition that the baby receives every day.

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2. Immune system plays an important role in children's health

A child's immune system during the first few years of life often plays many important roles in a child's health. It helps to protect the child's body and fight against infections and many other dangerous diseases. Therefore, building a healthy immune system for children is extremely necessary.
To do that, parents can refer to a few methods that are easy to implement quickly:
Breastfeeding Let children Get enough sleep Encourage children to exercise and do sports. Improve digestive tract health Supplementing substances that strengthen the child's immune system Essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, B vitamins, vitamin C... especially zinc plays an important role. important for the immune system of young children.
Zinc helps support and maintain the activity of the immune system, stimulates the growth and differentiation of immune cells, creates a defense system for the body to fight pathogens, helps children have good resistance to disease.
In addition, this micronutrient also helps overcome anorexia in children, increases absorption, supports height and weight development.
As recommended by nutritionists, children need to be supplemented with zinc at a dosage of 0.5-1.5mg elemental zinc/kg body weight/day
The best source of nutrients is from food, However, the supplementation of substances through food has many limitations because it is difficult to control the amount of substances introduced into the body through the diet, the reduction of substances and deficiency after processing. Therefore, parents can choose a more optimal method that is convenient and easy to control while ensuring a high absorption rate, supplementing micronutrients for children through reputable and safe substitutes.
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