Regulations on periodical health check for employees according to the latest circular

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Nguyen Thi Ngoc - General Internal Medicine - Endocrinology - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital. Doctor has more than 10 years of studying, researching and working in the field of endocrinology.

Periodic health check for employees brings benefits to both the employees and the business. Through periodic health checks, employees can detect health abnormalities early for timely treatment, peace of mind for work and production. In addition, enterprises also know the health status of employees, so they can arrange them in suitable positions for high productivity.

1. Regulations on periodic health check according to the latest circular

Periodic health check-ups help detect health abnormalities early before turning into diseases or diseases at an early stage that have not yet manifested. Detecting the disease at an early stage makes treatment easier, more effective, cost-effective, and avoids complications that seriously affect health.
Companies and businesses are responsible for periodic health checks for employees, this has been specified in many legal documents.
Labor Law 2012, article 152 on employee health care stipulates:
Employers must annually organize periodical health check-ups for employees, including apprentices and trainees. Particularly female employees must be examined by a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology. Particularly for people who do heavy and hazardous jobs, minors, elderly people, and people with disabilities, they must have a health checkup at least once every 6 months. Employees working in an environment at risk of occupational diseases must be examined for occupational diseases. If an employee continues to work after having a labor accident or suffering an occupational disease, he or she will be able to arrange a job suitable for his/her health.
Similar to the above, the 2015 Law on Occupational Safety and Health, Article 21 also clearly states the regulations on health examination for employees:
At least once in five employers must organize a medical examination. health for workers. Health check-up at least every 6 months for employees who are disabled, elderly, minor, people doing heavy, dangerous and hazardous occupations and jobs. The latest list of heavy, hazardous and dangerous occupations and jobs is regulated by Circular 15/2016/TT-BLDTBXH of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs.
In addition, female employees must be examined by a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology. People working in the working environment exposed to risk factors for occupational diseases must be examined to detect the disease. Before arranging to work and before switching to heavy, hazardous and dangerous jobs, companies and enterprises must organize health check-ups for employees. After being injured at work or suffering from an occupational disease, after recovering their health, employees are also examined to ensure their health before returning to work. Regulations on periodical health examination according to the latest circular, Circular 19/2016/TT-BYT of the Ministry of Health on Guidelines for management of occupational hygiene and health of employees, stipulating the contents of hygiene management Laborers at the labor establishment include pre-employment health check, periodical health check, occupational disease examination and periodical examination for occupational diseases. The management, health care and prevention of occupational diseases for employees must be carried out from the time the employee is recruited and throughout the working process.

Khám sức khỏe định kỳ giúp phát hiện nhiều bệnh ở giai đoạn đầu
Khám sức khỏe định kỳ giúp phát hiện nhiều bệnh ở giai đoạn đầu

2. What is the process of periodic health check at the company?

Companies and enterprises must organize health checks for employees at medical examination facilities that meet the requirements of professional and technical conditions. According to Circular 14/2013/TT-BYT guiding the Health Checkup, the process of periodical health check at the company, the enterprise will include:
Taking medical history
Employees will be medical staff Ask about personal and family medical history.
Physical examination
Employees are measured height, weight, BMI, pulse, and blood pressure by medical staff. Based on physical fitness indicators, medical staff will classify workers' fitness.
Clinical examination
Clinical examination includes:
General internal examination including circulatory, respiratory, digestive, endocrine, musculoskeletal, neurological, psychiatric, .. Eye examination: to check vision eye strength, left eye, screening for eye diseases. Ear, nose and throat exam to check hearing in the left and right ears. Screening to detect ear, nose and throat disease. Oral and maxillofacial examination: to detect oral diseases such as tooth decay, tartar, bad breath, gingivitis, periodontitis ... and diseases of the maxillofacial region. Dermatological examination: to detect skin diseases such as skin allergies, dermatitis, skin infections caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, ...

Khám mắt là bước khám lâm sàng
Khám mắt là bước khám lâm sàng

Preclinical examination
Employees are often tested for blood count, blood chemistry, urinalysis, chest X-ray,...
In addition, depending on the characteristics of business, production, Enterprises can expand more medical specialties, perform more screening tests for employees during regular corporate health checks.
After organizing periodic health checks for employees, companies and enterprises must organize the establishment and keep health records of employees, especially must strictly manage the health records of the affected person. occupational disease. At the same time, companies and enterprises must annually report on the management of employees' health records to the competent professional authority according to the law.

Xét nghiệm công thức máu là khám cận lâm sàng
Xét nghiệm công thức máu là khám cận lâm sàng

3. What do employees need to prepare for the periodical health check of the enterprise?

Dossiers of periodical health examination that employees need to prepare include:
Periodic health check book (according to the form in Appendix 03 of Circular 14/2013/TT-BYT) If the employee has a separate health check, Need a referral from the agency you are working for. If the employee has periodical medical examination according to the concentrated batch, his/her name must be included in the list of health examination workers prepared by the enterprise and sent to the medical examination and treatment facility. After examining the employee's health, the medical examination and treatment facility will conclude the health status in the periodic health examination book, return the book to the employee or transfer it to the company or enterprise depending on the agreement in the contract. health checkup. All health records of employees will be managed by the company or enterprise from the time the employee starts working until the time he/she quits, in case the employee has an occupational disease or a work accident. When employees retire, companies and businesses still have to keep health records.
Routine health checks benefit both employees and businesses. For employees, periodic health checks help detect pathogens early, intervene and treat in time, create psychological comfort, peace of mind, and dedication to the business. For businesses, health check-ups for employees help businesses arrange jobs suitable for their health, ensuring productivity and quality of work. Health check shows the concern and responsibility of enterprises for employees.

Bệnh viên Vinmec cung cấp nhiều gói khám sức khỏe định kỳ
Bệnh viên Vinmec cung cấp nhiều gói khám sức khỏe định kỳ

Vinmec Health System has long been famous for its modern facilities, outstanding standards, high-quality human resources, and is performed by well-trained experts and doctors in both areas. domestically and internationally. Besides, to meet the needs of examination, treatment, diagnosis and prevention of diseases, Vinmec now also deploys many convenient medical services that are satisfied by many customers.
Currently, Vinmec has been and continues to invest in renovating modern equipment, at the same time applying science and technology, the latest medical treatments to treatment. Therefore, Vinmec International General Hospital is considered as an international standard medical care address in Vietnam.
Currently, Vinmec is implementing a lot of periodic health checkup packages suitable for each age, gender and individual needs of customers with very favorable price policy, including:
General health checkup package Work permit- issue work permit Child health check-up package Standard general health check-up package Special general health check-up package VIP general health check-up package Diamond general health checkup package Advantages when At Vinmec, customers will be screened and screened by a system of modern equipment to help support the best diagnosis today such as PET/CT, MRI, CT 640, ultrasound machine system. The world's leading advanced sound system, international standard laboratory system,... After a general examination, if any diseases are detected, customers can use services from other specialties at the hospital. hospital with outstanding quality of treatment.

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