Recommendations of the Ministry of Health: Who, when to wear a mask?

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Wearing a medical mask when there is no indication is often wasteful and can cause people to ignore measures to protect the body from corona epidemic such as: Wash hands with soap; personal hygiene, items, utensils...

1. Should you wear a mask regularly during the epidemic season?

Wearing a medical mask in the middle of the coronavirus season is a measure to prevent the spread of the disease. So should you wear a mask regularly in the middle of the epidemic season? According to the latest recommendation of the Ministry of Health, it is not necessary to wear a medical mask at all times, causing confusion and discomfort for users.
So when and who needs to wear a mask? The recommendation of the Ministry of Health says that only people in the following situations should wear a mask:
When it is imperative to contact and care for people infected or suspected of being infected with corona virus. Masks should be worn when taking care of or having close contact with people who have symptoms of respiratory illness such as cough, difficulty breathing, runny nose... When assigned to self-monitor and isolate at home or when traveling. examination and treatment at medical examination and treatment establishments.

Khi tiếp xúc với người bệnh nên đeo khẩu trang
Khi tiếp xúc với người bệnh nên đeo khẩu trang

As for healthy people, who do not show symptoms of respiratory disease, it is not necessary to wear medical masks, instead, people only need to wear cloth masks when going to crowded places, Public transport.
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2. Instructions for wearing medical masks properly

Wearing a mask the wrong way not only increases the risk of disease transmission, but also wastes money. Here are some instructions for properly wearing medical masks that people need to follow to prevent the spread of corona virus as well as other infectious diseases:
Wearing the right face: When wearing a medical mask, you need to choose correct face when worn to ensure the highest protection effect. The outer surface is usually blue, the inner surface is white and flatter. Wearing the right direction: If the mask is worn in the wrong direction, it will cause discomfort during wearing and dirt and bacteria can easily penetrate inside. The top of the mask is usually attached to a small metal thread, this metal thread can be adjusted to curvature to conform to the shape of the nose, keeping the position of the mask in contact with the nose bridge, causing bacteria and dust. difficult to penetrate. The bottom of the mask usually has a solid stamping line, without a metal wire like the top. Wearing a mask properly: When wearing a mask, use 2 fingertips of each hand and simultaneously insert 2 mask straps into 2 ears or each ear, then adjust the mask to be balanced; next use 1 hand to hold the upper part of the mask in place and gently pull the lower part to stretch so that the lower part covers the chin; Continue to use the thumb and index finger of one hand to gently squeeze the metal wire on the top of the mask to create a tightness between the nose and the mask.

Đeo khẩu trang đúng cách giúp phòng tránh dịch bệnh
Đeo khẩu trang đúng cách giúp phòng tránh dịch bệnh

Note when wearing: Adjust the mask to fit the face, covering most of the nasal cavity and mouth; medical masks are only used once, then put in a carefully covered trash can; Do not put the mask in the pocket of your pants, shirt, or bag, these bags can make the mask dirty, infected with bacteria harmful to health.
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