Q: What preparation does a colonoscopy need to get the best results?

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FAQ: What do I need to prepare for a colonoscopy to get the best results?
Hello doctor! May I ask: What do I need to prepare for a colonoscopy to get the best results? Thanks for the advice doctor!
Anonymous customer questions
Hello! To get the best colonoscopy results, you need to complete the following steps:
Firstly: You should eat less fiber, don't eat fruit with seeds and drink red purple water 1 day before during colonoscopy. Second: You need to inform your doctor about your health status such as pregnancy, lactation, cardiovascular disease, neurological disease, medications you are taking... Accordingly, clean the colon. Before the endoscopy is an important step: The patient should fast and take medicine for 8 hours before the procedure. In the case of patients with intestinal obstruction or semi-obstruction, the antidote cannot be used.
With the above information, you must have understood what to prepare for a colonoscopy. If you need more in-depth advice, you can directly contact Vinmec Health System for more specific answers. Thank you for trusting and sharing your concerns with Vinmec. Best regards!
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