Purulent otitis externa

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor of Otolaryngology - Department of Medical Examination and Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International Hospital.

Otitis externa is an infection caused by the penetration of bacteria and viruses to the connective tissues under the skin and causes disease. Purulent otitis externa is an advanced disease.

1. Inflammation of the outer ear canal with pus

The outer ear canal is the part located outside the ear, between the rim and the eardrum. Otitis externa is an inflammation of the outer ear canal, caused by the invasion of bacteria or viruses.
Purulent otitis externa is an infection that has progressed to a severe level, with pus draining from the ear canal. Inflammation of the outer ear canal causes itching and pain in the ear. The disease usually occurs in people who often go swimming or often have stagnant water in their ears. If not treated in time, the disease will leave serious consequences. In addition, for children with a history of ear infections, perforated eardrums, anatomical abnormalities of the ear canal, it is easy to collect water inside, and the risk of disease will be higher.

Inflammation of the external ear canal causes patients to frequently experience ear itching and pain
Inflammation of the external ear canal causes patients to frequently experience ear itching and pain

2. Causes of purulent otitis externa

Inflammation of the outer ear canal with pus due to many causes. However, the main reason is because the position of the ear canal is easily exposed to the outside, so it is easy to be attacked by bacteria. In addition, the effects that can cause otitis externa such as:
Swimming, bathing in areas with unsafe water sources, and accumulation of many bacteria that can attack the ear canal. Especially when the inside of the ear canal is scratched, causing infection. Because the surface of the external ear canal is in easy contact with the outside, the ear canal can also be contaminated with chemicals and chemicals that are splashed into the ear, along with other ear fluids that cause the cause. cause disease. Using the same headphones, or headphones that are not cleaned properly, means introducing bacteria directly into the ear itself. Improper cleaning of the ear and inner ear canal leads to an infection of the ear. The introduction of foreign objects into the ear, such as: scratching the earwax, cotton swabs, and bacteria from the earwax that enter it, causing otitis externa.

Putting foreign objects into the ear is also a cause of external otitis
Putting foreign objects into the ear is also a cause of external otitis

3. Symptoms of otitis externa

Symptoms of purulent otitis externa include:
Ear pain, which is worse when the earlobe is pulled out or when pressed on the ear Mild fever Itching in the ear Pus draining from the ear Temporary hearing loss Sometimes present Painful small lumps or boils in the ear cavity. These lumps and boils can be extremely painful. If the boil breaks open, a small amount of blood or pus may leak from the inside of the ear

4. Prevention of otitis externa

To prevent otitis externa, especially for young children and infants, you should pay attention to
In the wet and rainy season, it is necessary to keep the ear canal in a dry and clean condition. When swimming or bathing use earplugs. When you go swimming, wash your hair, if unfortunately, water gets into the ear canal, you must tilt your head to the side to make the water run out. If there is still water that has not come out, it must be absorbed with a clean cotton swab. Limit cleaning by using cotton swabs, because if done incorrectly, it can push dirt from the outer ear into the ear canal, which creates conditions for bacteria to grow causing ear fungus. When a fungal infection occurs, it must be treated early and follow the doctor's instructions to avoid recurrence. In short, otitis externa is a bacterial or viral infection, purulent otitis externa is an advanced condition. Therefore, when there are any signs of otitis externa, it is necessary to immediately go to a medical facility for examination and appropriate treatment.
For any questions, please contact directly to Vinmec International General Hospital nationwide or book an online appointment.

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