Home Tag ear infections

Articles in ear infections

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Learn about eardrum patch surgery
Eardrum patch surgery is a procedure used to repair holes or tears in the eardrum. Atrial patch surgery is also used to repair or replace 3 very small bones behind the eardrum. Usually, tympanic membrane patching is performed under a surgical microscope, recently some doctors have used endoscopic tympanic membrane patching system for ear surgery.
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How to treat otitis media for a long time?
I have a 24 month old baby, currently living in Japan. From May 2019, when he was 15 months old, he went to the doctor and discovered otitis media. Since then, I have been going to the clinic every week to check my ears and take ear and nose medicine regularly.
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Purulent otitis externa
Viêm ống tai ngoài là tình trạng viêm nhiễm do sự xâm nhập của vi khuẩn, virus đến các tổ chức liên kết nằm dưới da và gây bệnh. Viêm ống tai ngoài có mủ là tình trạng bệnh đã tiến triển tới mức độ nặng.
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Where is the outer ear canal located? Common diseases
The outer ear canal is the part between the eardrum and the eardrum, the shape is curved like the letter S. The curves and twists of the ear canal help to receive and absorb sound (sound energy) from all sides into the ear canal. Some common diseases in the outer ear canal include: otitis externa, otitis media...
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Seborrheic otitis media in adults: Causes, symptoms and treatment
Diseases of the ENT region are very diverse. Among them, adult serous otitis media is a very common disease but often does not have many typical symptoms, the disease is easy to miss leading to not being treated promptly.
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How long is the eustachian tube? Why or inflammation?
The eustachian tube can be blocked or obstructed for a variety of reasons. If otitis media is not treated, it will go deeper, leading to otitis media and greatly affecting the patient's health.
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What is an inner ear disorder?
The cause of ischemia or vascular occlusion may be due to changes in the pressure and volume of the labyrinthine fluid, and this accumulation is often unknown. Instead, there are several risk factors for this accumulation of endolymph such as a family history of Meniere's disease, autoimmune disorders, allergies, etc.
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Find out the condition of ear cartilage inflammation
Viêm sụn vành tai là tình trạng nhiễm khuẩn sụn và màng sụn vành tai, đây là một bệnh lý tai ngoài thường gặp với các triệu chứng là sưng, nóng, đỏ, rất đau ở loa tai nhưng không ảnh hưởng đến dái tai. Viêm sụn tai nếu không được điều trị kịp thời sẽ gây nhiều biến chứng ảnh hưởng đến thẩm mỹ và sức khỏe người bệnh.
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Instructions for removing foreign bodies from the ear
Foreign bodies in the ear are very common, especially in children. Foreign bodies in the ear usually do not cause symptoms at first until they trigger an inflammatory response that causes pain, itching, infection, and purulent discharge.
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Treatment of malignant otitis externa
Malignant otitis externa usually occurs when the body's immune system is weakened. It is a disease that causes severe tissue damage and can be life-threatening. So why is the outer ear canal malignant and how is it treated?
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics