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The article was professionally consulted by Doctor Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital
Inflammation of the pulp of the tooth not only makes the patient feel pain and discomfort, but if not treated in time, pulpitis also causes dangerous complications for the teeth.
1. What is dental pulpitis?
Tooth pulp is a special organization consisting of blood vessels, nerves... located in a cavity between the dentin (pulp cavity). The pulp organizations communicate with the body through very small holes in the root of the tooth. The most common cause of pulpitis is caused by bacteria existing in the mouth, entering the pulp mainly through the cavities and through the root canals... In addition, pulpitis can have a cause. due to chemicals (lead poisoning, mercury...), physical factors (trauma, changes in environmental pressure...). In some cases, no cause can be found.
Pulpitis is a protective response of the tooth pulp to pathogens, the disease can progress through many stages, many different types of damage: reversible pulpitis (pre-pulpitis), acute pulpitis, chronic pulpitis. When the tooth pulp is inflamed, it is necessary to treat it thoroughly: first, take pain medication, then treat pulpitis (removing the pulp, sealing the canal...) During and after treatment, attention should be paid to the treatment. Maintain oral hygiene to prevent tooth decay.
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2. Inflammation of the tooth pulp: when to treat
When in the stage of reversible pulpitis you feel transient pain, sensitivity when eating hot or cold food, then you need to visit the dentist, in the early stage you can just drink antibiotics without root canal treatment.
When the pulp is inflamed by a large hole or by a fracture, bacteria will enter the pulp causing inflammation. Inflamed tooth pulp will increase the activity of cells and blood circulation, increasing the pressure inside the pulp and causing pain, at this stage you feel a lot of pain, sharp pain in the brain, even taking pain relievers. does not help. People often feel increased pain when chewing on it or when drinking and in contact with hot or cold food.
And at this stage, you need to go to the dentist for root canal treatment, the dentist will take the pulp containing a lot of bacteria and you will feel less pain.
Teeth with pulp inflammation do not heal on their own. If left untreated, the infection will spread, and progress to inflammatory foci at the root of the tooth, which is called periodontitis. When periodontitis occurs, the prognosis of your root canal treatment will be poor, and the root after treatment will be weaker. So you should go to the dentist for treatment soon. Usually right after the treatment the tooth pain is gone. From this point on, you should brush and floss regularly, avoid chewing on hard foods on the teeth that have taken the pulp, and visit your dentist regularly for regular dental checkups every 6 months.
Many patients want to learn about how to cure pulpitis at home, but the tooth with pulpitis cannot heal on its own but requires the intervention of a dentist, so when the pulp is inflamed, the patient should quickly go to the doctor. at a specialized medical facility for timely treatment, to avoid dangerous complications for oral health.
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Root canal treatment at Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital is performed by a team of specialists with the support of modern equipment, along with techniques for root canal treatment and sealing of the root canal system. with cold Gutta percha using a rotary file.
Root canal treatment uses a foot length meter to help the dentist work to the full working length, File proteper machine helps to clean and shape the canal well, saving working time, saving customers Opening the mouth longer than manually doing the file, the X-ray machine helps to check the artificial pulp before, during and after welding.
Root canal treatment is a technique that has been around for a long time, but treatment with machine files has only been around for a few years, and Vinmec always approaches new technologies to take care of oral health in the best way. for everyone.
Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.