Proper diet and nutrition after cesarean section

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In fact, many cesarean deliveries are the result of pregnancy complications or abnormalities in labor. A cesarean delivery is more difficult and painful for the mother because it is physically and mentally exhausting. Therefore, to recover after surgery, a reasonable diet is very important that pregnant women need to pay attention to.

1. The role of nutrition after cesarean section for pregnant women

Helps wounds heal quickly: a diet with protein will help regenerate young skin to heal the incision, in addition vitamins and minerals also help reduce the risk of infection during the wound healing process. Trace elements such as iron, zinc, calcium also play a major role in hemostasis. Increase the mother's milk supply: providing adequate nutrition will help the mother have more milk, meeting the needs of the newborn. Weight control after cesarean section: a scientific diet not only helps the mother recover quickly, produce more milk, but also helps control the weight of the mother after giving birth with foods such as lean meat, green vegetables, fruits and vegetables. ...

Bổ sung rau xanh vào thực đơn hằng ngày giúp phụ nữ sau sinh kiểm soát cân nặng
Bổ sung rau xanh vào thực đơn hằng ngày giúp phụ nữ sau sinh kiểm soát cân nặng

2. What to eat after cesarean section to ensure nutrition?

Women after cesarean section should build a diet that includes:
Foods containing high iron content such as: pumpkin, egg yolk, grapes, bananas, nuts. Foods high in protein: beef, pork, chicken, cheese or plant-based foods like tree nuts, tofu, plant milk. Supplement with vitamin E from wheat germ, almonds, peanuts, vegetable oil, spinach, broccoli. Foods that help increase milk such as beef porridge, pork leg, green papaya. Postpartum women also need to pay attention to adding enough water to the body at least 1.5-2 liters per day to avoid dehydration after giving birth. Products such as yogurt and milk are very good because they both provide water and nutrients for the body. Food should be of good quality and hygiene, fresh and well cooked.

Bổ sung đủ nước là việc làm cần thiết ở phụ nữ sau sinh
Bổ sung đủ nước là việc làm cần thiết ở phụ nữ sau sinh

3. Foods that women giving birth by cesarean section should avoid

Some notes on the foods that women giving birth by caesarean section should abstain as follows:
Foods that cause bloating: soy milk, starch, fermented foods like pickles, pickled vegetables Sour fruits like star fruit, tamarind, yes, mango,... Strong spices such as chili and pepper Products containing stimulants such as coffee, tobacco, alcohol, energy drinks, soft drinks, ...

Phụ nữ sinh mổ nên tránh sử dụng cà phê
Phụ nữ sinh mổ nên tránh sử dụng cà phê

4. Some other notes besides nutrition

In addition to a reasonable diet, women after cesarean section should also note the following:
Avoid sitting up in the first 12 hours because it can cause a drop in blood pressure, the second day you can sit up and walk gently help the mother to be less tired keep for about 8-9 hours a day, but don't sleep too much because it will cause amniotic fluid to accumulate in the uterus Avoid heavy labor in the first 2 months Do not have intercourse for 5-6 weeks after giving birth because it can lead To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
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