Tension headaches cause a lot of discomfort

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Tension headaches are the most common type of headache, often occurring in people who are stressed, anxious, or work for a long time in a fixed position. The disease causes many health effects, so what to do when you have a muscle tension headache?

1. What is a tension headache?

Headache is a very common symptom in daily life. In which, tension headache is the tension of the muscles in the head and neck area, with the following characteristics:
It can be a temporary tension headache, then it goes away on its own; May be chronic disease, relapsing many times; Common in adolescents and adults; Tension headaches last from 30 minutes to several days; Prolonged illness can cause stress and depression. Faced with tension headaches, many patients are very afraid that they are suffering from a serious neurological - craniocerebral disease. On the contrary, some people are subjective and seek to treat themselves with eastern/western medicine or functional foods. Both cases left bad consequences for the patient, the tension headache did not help, recurred and worsened, leading to prolonged stress, even nervous exhaustion.

Đau đầu căng cơ là gì?
Đau đầu căng cơ là gì?

2. Causes of Tension Headaches

2.1. Diet One of the factors that causes tension headaches to start is due to the consumption of foods rich in the following substances:
Tyramine: Found in cheese, raisins, fermented bean products soybeans and yeasts; Monosodium glutamate: This is a type of substance used as a food additive, such as monosodium glutamate; Caffeine: A certain amount of caffeine can help people stay awake, but if the concentration of caffeine in the body fluctuates abnormally, it can cause headaches. In addition, people who often skip breakfast or lunch often get headaches right after eating because the time between meals is too long.
2.1. Living habits Tension headaches can also be a consequence of an unscientific lifestyle, such as:
Sleeping too little or too much, easily causing headaches right after waking up; Neck and shoulder posture when working is not correct, sitting with head bowed for too long; Resting with the wrong head, pillow is too high; Psychological trauma such as stress, anxiety, sadness, prolonged fatigue.

3. Tension headache symptoms

Some manifestations are considered signs of tension headaches are:
Pain comes from both sides of the head, dull pain, increasing intensity; Does not follow pulse, does not increase with exertion; Feeling tight pressure around the head; Aching muscles in the shoulder and neck; Feeling of heaviness in the head and eyes. In addition, the criteria to accurately diagnose tension headache distinguishing from other causes of headache are:
Having at least 8-10 attacks of similar pain as above; The duration of each episode lasts from 30 minutes to 5-7 days; No more than 15 days of pain per month; No nausea and vomiting; No symptoms of photophobia and/or no fear of noise;

4. Treatment of tension headaches

Một trong những cách giảm đau đầu căng cơ nhanh chóng và hiệu quả nhất là dùng thuốc giảm đau
Một trong những cách giảm đau đầu căng cơ nhanh chóng và hiệu quả nhất là dùng thuốc giảm đau
4.1. Medication One of the fastest and most effective ways to relieve tension headaches is to take pain relievers. However, it is important to consult your doctor before deciding to take any medication. This will contribute to ensuring the safety of the patient's health because some drugs come with side effects. Patients should pay attention to taking medications according to medical indications to avoid mistaken drugs, overdose or drug abuse. In particular, pregnant women or people with other health problems need to be careful in taking the drug.
The vast majority of tension headaches are easily treated and effectively prevented with medication. However, there are also some chronic cases that are difficult to treat, requiring patients to persevere in following the treatment regimen of the doctor.
4.2. Eliminate the triggering cause When suffering from tension headaches, the patient needs to find the factors that cause the symptoms to actively eliminate them gradually in their daily routine. Specifically:
Eat healthy, balanced: Only eliminate foods that are the main cause of headaches, do not need excessive abstinence to ensure nutrition. In addition, you should add more fruits and vegetables, do not drink alcohol and smoke.
Take time to rest: Allocate a suitable study and work schedule, arrange time for health to recover. Make sure to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night and take a short lunch break in between.
Stress management: Anxiety, pressure, and stress not only harm physical health, but also affect mental health, including muscle tension headaches. Therefore, you should keep a positive life attitude, accept and be satisfied with reality as well as relieve heavy and easily depressed psychology.
Correct posture: Office workers, tailors, workers, ... are subjects at risk of muscle tension headaches due to working in the wrong posture for a long time. Attention should be paid to keeping the head straight between the shoulders, not bending forward too much to prevent the muscles in the head and neck from being tense, thereby helping to reduce tension headaches.
Physical activity and relaxation exercises: An effective way to relieve muscle tension headaches, easy to perform and applicable to all subjects, including: playing sports, exercising, nursing, massage, massage , practice yoga or meditate to relax the mind.
Neurology Specialist - Vinmec Times City International Hospital has successfully diagnosed and treated diseases of the neurology - craniofacial specialties, which include tension headache, dizziness, stroke cerebrovascular disease, dementia, tension headaches, ... for many cases of patients.
With a team of medical staff with high qualifications and practical experience, for example Associate Professor, Doctor, Doctor Chu Hoang Van; Specialist doctor I Vu Dung Kien, with a system of modern equipment and absolute sterility, Vinmec Times City guarantees to bring customers comprehensive, diversified and qualified medical examination and treatment services with quality standards. .
If you want to find out what to do with muscle tension headaches, please call Hotline Vinmec Times City 0243 9743 556 for detailed advice or register online HERE.
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