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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Ly Thi Thanh Nha - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec International Hospital Da Nang.
After giving birth, expectant mothers often face many difficult problems in eating, exercising, breastfeeding, etc. Good handling of these problems not only ensures the health of the baby. but also helps improve the mother's health, helping her to work harder. The article will answer common problems after giving birth to ensure good health and psychology for both mother and baby.
1. What is the postpartum diet like?
1.1 Normal postpartum diet Pregnant women who have just gone through labor consume a lot of energy, so they need to have a scientific and nutritious diet to quickly recover health and have enough milk for them. breastfeeding.
Accordingly, after normal delivery, pregnant women should eat nutritious foods such as meat, fish, eggs, milk, fruits, ... and avoid stimulant spices such as chili, tea, and coffee. , ... because it will affect lactation. Mothers also need to pay attention to eating well, eating lots of green vegetables and fruits, actively breastfeeding and drinking enough water (about 2 liters of water per day), drinking more milk, fruit juice,... to ensure enough milk for the baby.
1.2 Diet after Caesarean section Choosing a cesarean section means that you will lose more blood than a vaginal birth. Therefore, families need to focus on fostering and helping pregnant women recover quickly.
Specifically, pregnant women are not allowed to eat anything within the first 6 hours after surgery. The principle of eating is that the pregnant woman will eat from liquid to solid, eating rice when deflated. In the first day after cesarean section, pregnant women should drink filtered water, sugar water and eat diluted porridge. After farting, pregnant women can eat and drink as usual, increase nutritious foods such as meat, fish, eggs, milk, ... and avoid spices with stimulants such as chili, tea, and coffee. ; Drink enough water, eat more vegetables and fruits.
Trắc nghiệm: Những điều cần biết về kiêng cữ sau sinh
Sau sinh, cơ thể sản phụ sẽ có rất nhiều sự thay đổi, việc thực hiện tốt các kiêng cữ sau sinh và bổ sung đầy đủ các chất dinh dưỡng cho cơ thể sẽ giúp ích rất nhiều trong quá trình hồi phục sức khỏe. Bài trắc nghiệm dưới đây sẽ giúp mọi người có cái nhìn tổng quan về kiêng cữ sau sinh và thực hiện sao cho phù hợp nhất.The following content is prepared under supervision of Thạc sĩ, Bác sĩ y khoa, Tạ Quốc Bản , Sản phụ khoa , Khoa Sản phụ khoa - Bệnh viện Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec Phú Quốc
2. What is the mode of exercise after giving birth?
2.1 Mode of exercise and rest after normal delivery About the mode of exercise after giving birth:
Postpartum exercise is necessary to help the uterus contract well, avoid postpartum bleeding, and avoid fluid retention and displacement. circuit occlusion. In the first few days after giving birth, the mother can get up from the bed and walk gently in the room. In addition, pregnant women should pay attention to cleaning the intimate area, dry it after each bowel movement, urination; Change tampons often to avoid infection.
Depending on the condition of each person, after a week, the pregnant woman can do gentle exercises. During childbirth, the body sweats a lot, so the mother needs to take a shower. Bathrooms need to be airtight, so shower with warm water and don't stay in the tub for a long time. Newborn women should take a quick shower for 5-10 minutes, after bathing, they must dry quickly and wear full clothes. About 3-4 days after giving birth, pregnant women can wash their hair, but they should wash their hair quickly, wipe it dry, and use a hair dryer to dry it. New-born mothers should pay attention not to bathe at the same time to avoid long exposure to water, to avoid the risk of dizziness and falls due to a lot of exercise and long bowing.
About rest mode:
Getting enough sleep is very important for mothers who have just gone through a labor. Therefore, family members should help take care of the baby so that the mother can sleep. Every day, pregnant women should sleep about 8-9 hours. During sleep, mothers' bodies will regain energy and support better lactation, while avoiding the risk of postpartum depression.
2.2 Mode of movement and rest after cesarean section Regarding the mode of movement and rest:
On the first day after surgery, the mother can move her limbs, turn slightly on the bed. After that, depending on the health situation, the pregnant woman can step out of bed, practice walking again to restore normal body functions, reduce the risk of complications after surgery such as fluid retention, remission. embolism,... For women who have experienced difficult labor before deciding to have a cesarean section or lose a lot of blood during delivery, they need to rest more.
Incision care:
After 3-5 days, the incision will heal. If the incision is sewn with the suture, there is no need to cut the sutures. If the incision is sewn with undigested sutures, the doctor will appoint a suture cut in about 5-7 days after surgery. During this time, the mother can wipe herself or take a quick bath with warm water, then dry the whole body and the incision. Note that the pregnant woman does not cover the incision or apply antiseptic solutions to the incision unless directed by the doctor.
Depending on your health status, after a cesarean section with anesthesia, you can breastfeed after about 30-60 minutes. For women under general anesthesia, after about 6 hours, they can breastfeed.
3. Is the belly big after giving birth?
After giving birth, women find their belly is still big, feel a hard mass in the abdomen and wonder if this situation is dangerous. In fact, it is a normal physiological expression, mothers do not need to worry. Specifically, during pregnancy, the mother's uterus will grow rapidly to accommodate the fetus, placenta and amniotic fluid. After giving birth, the uterus will contract quickly, helping to stop postpartum bleeding. If after giving birth, there is a hard mass across the navel, it is the uterus and this is not a sign of danger to health.
4. How to get enough milk for your baby?
At birth, colostrum is already in the mother's breast, containing a lot of energy and antibodies. Colostrum is pale yellow in color, thicker than later milk, and has the ability to help babies fight infections. In the first few days after birth, the baby's stomach is very small, mothers just need to actively feed the baby colostrum and suckle many times to provide enough energy for the baby. The mother should breastfeed the baby as soon as possible, breastfeed several times a day to increase hormone secretion, stimulate the milk glands to work harder, produce more milk and not worry about losing milk.
In order for the baby to get enough milk, the mother needs to:
Believe that she has enough milk for her baby; Keep the mood comfortable, relax; Eat and drink enough nutrients, drink enough water, milk, fruits; Stay with your child as much as possible; Let the baby latch on the nipple properly; Feed your baby on demand, whenever he or she asks for a feed.
5. What is the interval between feedings?
Mothers should breastfeed their babies whenever the baby asks for a feed both during the day and at night. Usually, each feeding of a baby will last about 10-15 minutes. However, some babies may take longer, about 20 minutes. When enough milk is received, the baby will release the breast on his own, satisfied and sleep well.
Suggestions for mothers to know if the child is getting enough milk or not having enough milk:
Children who have enough milk usually urinate at least 6-8 times a day, the urine is dilute and not strong-smelling; Children who do not get enough milk often urinate less than 6 times a day, the urine is concentrated, has a strong odor and is dark yellow.
6. Notes when monitoring breastfed babies
In the first few days after birth, babies have to gradually adapt to the outside environment. At this time, the baby's breathing, sucking and swallowing reflexes are not complete, the baby's stomach is horizontal and the capacity is small (day 1: from 5-7ml; day 3: from 22-27ml; day 10: from 60-80ml). Therefore, nursing mothers should note:
Do not let children drink sugar water, licorice water because it is easy to make children vomit and choke; Mothers should sit to breastfeed to help the baby latch on properly and the mother to easily observe the baby; After breastfeeding, the mother holds the baby with her head high, patting the area between the shoulder blades to help the baby burp before lying down; Put the child in the position of lying on the side of the head to one side, if there is spit, the milk will flow out, avoiding the milk flowing into the nose causing choking; The baby's room needs to be bright enough to facilitate the care and monitoring of the child; In the process of taking care of a child, if you detect abnormal signs such as the child having difficulty breathing, crying, choking repeatedly, etc., it is necessary to contact a doctor for support. Mastering the above knowledge will help pregnant women keep their mind and body in good shape for themselves and their babies.
Master. Doctor. Ly Thi Thanh Nha has worked at Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital and Quang Tri Provincial General Hospital before working at Vinmec Danang International General Hospital as it is today.
Doctor Nha has strengths and experience in diagnosing, monitoring and treating pregnancy, pregnancy pathology. Pregnancy screening. Perform caesarean section techniques. Laparoscopic surgery to treat ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy.
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