Precautions while using Omeprazole 40mg

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What is Omeprazole 40mg? Omeprazole 40mg contains the main ingredient Omeprazole. The drug is effective in the treatment of stomach diseases. However, this is a prescription drug, so its use needs to be very cautious to ensure safety. The following article will help readers learn about the notes when using Omeprazol 40mg.

1. Uses of Omeprazole 40mg

Omefort is indicated for prescription in the following diseases:
Indigestion due to increased acid secretion. Treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease - oesophagitis. Treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers. Treatment of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Prophylaxis of stress ulcers, ulcers caused by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Patients should note, in case of hypersensitivity to the drug, esomeprazole, or other benzimidazole derivatives (such as lansoprazole, pantoprazol, rabeprazole) or any ingredient in the formula will not be allowed to prescribe the drug.

2. Dosage and usage of Alzole Omeprazol 40mg

2.1. How to use Alzole Omeprazol 40mg is prepared in the form of hard capsules so the drug is used orally. The drug is recommended to be taken on an empty stomach (1 hour before meals). When taking the drug, the patient must swallow the whole tablet without opening, chewing or crushing.
Particularly for children under 6 years old, because of fear of choking, difficulty swallowing, parents can open omeprazole capsule and mix it with a slightly acidic food (pH < 5) such as yogurt, orange juice swallow immediately without chewing.
2.2. Dosage For each different treatment purpose, the doctor will adjust the dose of the drug for the patient. You can refer to the dosage below of Alzole Omeprazol 40mg.
Treatment of acid-related indigestion: 10 or 20 mg for 2 to 4 weeks. Treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease: 20 mg omeprazole orally once a day for 4 weeks - 8 more weeks if not completely healed. Treatment of difficult-to-treat esophagitis is 40 mg. The maintenance dose is 20 mg/day/once. Acid reflux is 10 mg per day. Treatment of peptic ulcer: 20 mg or 40 mg in severe cases. For duodenal ulcers, treatment is continued for 4 weeks, and for gastric ulcers for 8 weeks. Eradicating Helicobacter pylori in peptic ulcer disease, it is possible to combine omeprazole with antibacterial drugs in a 3- or 4-drug regimen. The triple regimen consisted of omeprazole 20 mg, orally twice daily or 40 mg once daily, in combination with amoxicillin 1 g and clarithromycin 500 mg, both orally twice daily. When 3-drug regimen fails, add bismuth preparation (4-drug regimen). These regimens are taken for 2 weeks. Only omeprazole can be continued for another 4 to 8 weeks. Treatment of ulcers associated with taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: 20 mg of omeprazole orally daily. Zollinger-Ellison syndrome: The starting dose is 60 mg of omeprazole orally once daily. Prophylaxis against acid aspiration during anesthesia, with a dose of 40 mg the night before surgery and another 40 mg dose 2 to 6 hours before surgery. In patients with hepatic impairment, the dose may be adjusted by reducing the dose. There have been cases of overdose due to Omeprazole 40mg with symptoms such as drowsiness, headache and heart palpitations... These symptoms usually do not require treatment and can disappear on their own when the drug is stopped.
If you forget a dose, take it as soon as possible. However, if it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and take your next dose at the scheduled time. Note that double the prescribed dose should not be taken.

3. Notes when using Omeprazole 40mg

3.1. Side effects of the drug Alzole Omeprazol 40mg One of the notes that users should be careful when using Alzole Omeprazol 40mg is the side effects.
Some common side effects and not to worry about when taking this medicine such as: constipation, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, headache, rash, hives ... These side effects will go away on their own. disappeared after discontinuation of the drug. However, more severe side effects may also occur, such as: itching, swelling of the face, throat, tongue, lips, eyes, hands, feet, ankles or legs, difficulty breathing, swallowing, hoarseness It has been reported that people who take Omeprazol 40mg have an increased risk of fractures of the wrist, hip or spine than those who do not take it. With side effects ranging from mild to severe, warn patients to use the drug exactly as directed by the doctor. If you experience any unusual symptoms, you should inform your doctor.
3.2. Drug interactions In addition to the side effects, the interaction between Omeprazole and other drugs is also very worrying. This condition will decrease the effectiveness of Omeprazole, or increase the effect of unwanted effects. Specifically, drugs that interact with Omeprazole include:
Omeprazole may increase blood levels of ciclosporin. Omeprazole enhances the effect of antibiotics that eradicate H. pylori. Omeprazole enhances the anticoagulant effect of dicoumarol. Omeprazole reduces the metabolism of nifedipine by at least 20% and may enhance the effects of nifedipine. Clarithromycin inhibits omeprazole metabolism and doubles omeprazole concentrations. Another concern of patients is that Omeprazole interacts when taken with food, alcohol, amoxycillin, bacampicillin, caffeine, lidocaine, quinidine or theophylline? The answer is no.
3.3. Pregnancy: In animals, omeprazole has not been found to have the potential to cause malformations and toxicity to the fetus. Clinically, to date, no harmful effects on the fetus have been observed. However, follow-up time is not enough to rule out all risks. Therefore, the use of omeprazole during pregnancy should be considered only when clearly needed.
3.4. Nursing Mothers Note, because the drug is distributed in breast milk, consideration should be given to discontinuing the drug or stopping breast-feeding.
3.5. Driving or using machines Omeprazole has no effect on the ability to drive or use machines. Undesirable effects such as dizziness and visual disturbances may occur. At that time, the patient should not drive or operate machinery.
3.6. Precautions for storing medicines Each different medicine will have different storage methods, so read carefully the storage instructions for Omeprazole 40mg on the package, or ask your pharmacist. Note, store the medicine at room temperature below 30 degrees Celsius, protect from light and avoid humid places. Do not store Omeprazol 40mg in a humid place or in the freezer and keep it away from heat and flame
Above are the notes when using Omeprazole to help patients use the drug safely.
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