Pink bleeding after taking emergency contraceptive pills, is it pregnant?

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Hello doctor,
My lover has a 30-day menstrual cycle that ends on the 23rd until the 28th. On the 29th, I had unprotected sex and that night my lover took emergency contraceptive pills. Today, my lover has bleeding but it's not red, it's pink. The doctor asked me to ask if I am pregnant after taking the emergency contraceptive pill?
Anonymous customer
To the question “Pink bleeding after taking emergency contraception, is it pregnant? , please answer as follows:
Emergency contraceptive pills are oral contraceptives with high hormonal content, used to reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancy after unprotected sex. protection law. The effect of the drug is about 72 hours (3 days) from the time of sex, the sooner you use it, the higher the results will be.
After taking the emergency contraceptive pill, if your girlfriend feels nauseated, this is a normal symptom. Besides, you also feel pain in the lower abdomen, fatigue, breasts feel tight, more painful than usual, menstrual disorders after taking birth control pills,... Side effects of emergency contraceptive pills This level is accompanied by vaginal bleeding that will go away on its own after a few days.
However, if the female friend has symptoms of dizziness, abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding more and more and shows no signs of decreasing, after a few days, it is necessary to pay close attention. When falling into this situation, you need to see an obstetrician and gynecologist immediately for intervention, examination and treatment orientation.
In the case of your lover, you only need to take birth control pills within 72 hours (3 days) after having sex. In addition, according to recommendations, girls should only take a maximum of 2 emergency contraceptive pills in a month. To protect your girlfriend's reproductive health, you should use safer methods of contraception such as condoms.
If you still have questions about pink bleeding after taking the emergency contraceptive pill, you can go to a medical facility or hospital under Vinmec Health System for the best examination and advice. Thank you for trusting and asking questions to Vinmec. Wish you health.
Best regards!

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