People with frequent indigestion and belching should do to increase stomach acid?

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Hello doctor. My symptoms are that after eating I feel full, indigestion, belching a lot, belching until the stomach is empty, after eating within 3-4 hours, I can't sleep, sleeping, the symptoms are worse heavy. I went to many doctors and the doctor said that I had gastroesophageal reflux or excess acid and gave me medicine but I didn't feel better when I took it. Immediately after finding out, I found that I had very symptoms of stomach acid deficiency. So the doctor asked me how I can increase stomach acid, what medicine can help this? Thank you very much doctor.
Nguyen Dinh Tuan (1993)
It is not known how long you have been ill. The symptoms you describe need to differentiate gastroesophageal reflux from functional dyspepsia. If it is functional dyspepsia, you should do more testing for HP bacteria, if so, treat HP to kill it first to see if there is an improvement in symptoms.
You should not arbitrarily buy drugs to use, need to go to the hospital to check and follow the doctor's prescription.
You can also go to the nearest hospital of Vinmec Health System nationwide to do the necessary tests.
Thank you for submitting your question to Vinmec Health System.
Answered by Doctor Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital

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