People with a history of duodenal ulcer are what to do with loose stools?

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Hello doctor! I have symptoms of loose stools that do not form a mold, broken stools. The day before it was normal, but it's been like this for the past few months. I have been treated for duodenal ulcer before. The doctor told me what to do. I hope the doctor can help me. Thank you doctor.
Nguyen Doanh
Hello! I don't know how long it takes me to treat duodenal ulcers before the appearance of non-formed, broken stools? Does ulcer treatment kill H.P. bacteria? What is the frequency of bowel movements and accompanying symptoms? It is very likely that you have dysbacteriosis after H.P eradication (if any) or irritable bowel syndrome. I should see a gastroenterologist so that the doctors can examine and advise me!
Thank you for sending your question to Vinmec Health System! Best regards.
Gastroenterologist - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital

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