Overall methods of assessment of movement disorders

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Movement disorder is a condition in which the nervous system constricts, jerks, or shakes, resulting in a decrease or slow down in the body's activities. This article will provide you with the basics of movement disorders and their evaluations.

1. What is movement disorder?

Movement disorder is a condition in which the nervous system has spasms, jerks or tremors that cause the body to reduce or slow down movement.
The most common types of movement disorders are excessive movement, also known as hyperactivity, abnormal intentional decrease in movement, also called dyskinesia, and abnormal involuntary movement, also called dyskinesia. Movement disorders
Causes of movement disorders are genetic conditions, trauma, nervous system-related diseases, infections, side effects of medications, and other factors. A history of stroke, high blood pressure, and diabetes can increase your risk and make it worse with age.
Symptoms of common movement disorders include:
Tremor, or involuntary muscle movements that cause shaking in one or more parts of the body. Tremor can occur in the hands, arms, legs, trunk, head, face, and voice.

Người mắc bệnh rối loạn vận động thường cử động cơ không tự chủ gây ra rung lắc ở một hoặc nhiều bộ phận của cơ thể.
Người mắc bệnh rối loạn vận động thường cử động cơ không tự chủ gây ra rung lắc ở một hoặc nhiều bộ phận của cơ thể.

Seizures or convulsions, often in response to loud noises or some kind of light or pain. Spasms may be intermittent or unchanged over time, such as clenched fists or crooked feet. Parkinson's disease is a very common movement disorder. Symptoms include tremors, stiffness, slow movement, and difficulty walking.
Other types of movement disorders include:
Uncontrollable tremors in different parts of the body, such as hands, head or voice. Tourette's syndrome: involuntary movements and sounds. Dystonia: abnormal twisting or spasm of fixed muscles. Restless legs syndrome, an uncomfortable feeling in your legs or elsewhere that causes you to move for relief. Spastic, persistent muscle spasms can interfere with movement. To diagnose a movement disorder, the doctor will combine with a neurological assessment, testing the patient's ability to control muscles and reflexes. In addition, other forms of examination such as head MRI, head CT scan, PET, CT angiogram, MR angiogram, and other tests can also be used to ensure the most accurate diagnosis.

2. Diagnosis and evaluation of movement disorders

Xét nghiệm máu giúp chẩn đoán rối loạn vận động
Xét nghiệm máu giúp chẩn đoán rối loạn vận động

First, the doctor will review the patient's history and perform a physical exam combined with a neurological assessment. Procedures performed in this step include a motor and reflex examination of the patient. The patient may have to take a short walk for the doctor to check for any unusual problems with the way they walk. In addition, the doctor may also recommend performing tests such as:
Blood tests. Lumbar puncture to analyze cerebrospinal fluid. Electromyography to measure electrical impulses along nerves, nerve roots, and muscle tissue. Electroencephalogram (EEG) to check the electrical activity of the brain. An electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) to check the electrical activity of the heart and to determine if heart problems are causing the disorder. Muscle biopsy to differentiate between nerve and muscle disorders. Doctors often use imaging tests to help diagnose movement disorders. Imaging alone may not be sufficient for diagnosis, but it is often helpful in clarifying clinical findings. These imaging tests may include:
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - Head: MRIs can sometimes find problems in the brain that may be related to or cause movement disorders, such as atrophy. in certain parts of the brain. Positron Emission Tomography (PET): Imaging brain function and neurochemistry with PET to provide information about brain metabolism and chemistry. Symptoms of dyskinesia can mimic those of stroke and vascular disease. Therefore, the doctor can look at the vessels that supply blood to the brain. The body pulse tests include:

Siêu âm Doppler động mạch cảnh để kiểm tra tình trạng hẹp và tắc nghẽn trong động mạch cảnh
Siêu âm Doppler động mạch cảnh để kiểm tra tình trạng hẹp và tắc nghẽn trong động mạch cảnh

Computed tomography (CT) scan to see if the disorder the patient is experiencing is caused by a blood clot or bleeding in the brain. CT angiogram (CTA) to look for any problems in the blood vessels that supply the brain. MR angiogram (MRA) to look for problems in the blood vessels that supply the brain. This is similar to a CTA, but doctors can sometimes do it without intravenous contrast. In addition, the doctor may also recommend an advanced test called MR perfusion to provide more information by showing blood flow in the brain. Carotid ultrasound to check for narrowing and blockages in the carotid artery with Doppler ultrasound because these problems can lead to stroke and cause movement disorders. Brain angiogram to provide more detailed information about brain vessels. In this procedure, your doctor inserts a catheter into your groin and injects a contrast dye to look at the major blood vessels in your brain. Your doctor will consider using this modality when the results of a CT scan or MR angiogram indicate something that requires further consideration. Treatment for dyskinesia depends on the underlying cause of the disorder. These treatments may include watch and wait, deep brain stimulation (DBS), or medication.
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