Uses of Nadecin 10mg

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Nadecin 10mg is a medicine to help prevent and treat angina attacks, or used in combination with other drugs to treat congestive heart failure. In the process of using the drug, the patient needs to adhere to the correct dosage and method of use that the doctor recommends to achieve the most optimal treatment effect.

1. What is Nadecin 10mg?

Nadecin 10mg belongs to the group of cardiovascular drugs, used mainly for the prevention and treatment of angina or congestive heart failure. The drug is prepared in the form of tablets and packed in boxes of 3 blisters x 10 tablets.
Each Nadecin 10mg tablet contains the following ingredients:
Main ingredients: Isosorbid dinitrate (25% in lactose) equivalent to 10mg. Other active ingredients just enough for one tablet: Corn starch, lactose monohydrate, povidone K 30, talc, magnesium stearate.

2. Indications and uses of Nadecin 10mg

2.1. Indications for use of Nadecin 10mg

Nadecin 10 is usually prescribed by doctors for the following specific cases:
Prophylaxis and / or treatment for patients with angina. Combination of Nadecin 10mg with other drugs for the treatment of congestive heart failure.

2.2. Uses of Nadecin 10mg

The main ingredient Isosorbid dinitrate in Nadecin 10mg tablets acts mainly on the venous system. When used in high doses can dilate both coronary vessels and the arterial system. Specifically:
Effect of varicose veins: Reduces blood flow to the heart, thereby reducing pressure in the heart chambers. Arterial dilation effect: Helps to significantly reduce peripheral resistance, thereby reducing the level of systolic blood pressure. In heart failure: The drug helps reduce blood flow to the heart and signs of blood stasis, thereby creating favorable conditions for the heart to eject blood more efficiently. In coronary insufficiency: The drug has the effect of balancing the supply - demand of the heart muscle, helping to cut angina quickly and effectively.

3. Dosage and how to use Nadecin 10mg

3.1. Dosage of Nadecin 10mg

Dosage of Nadecin 10 will be determined based on the patient's health status as well as the age of the patient, specifically:
Nadecin dose for people with angina pectoris Patients with angina should take from 30 - 120mg Isosorbide dinitrate per day, can be divided into oral doses according to individual requirements and doctor's prescription. Patients can increase the dose slowly to minimize the side effects that cause headaches caused by nitrates.
Dosage of nadecin for people with congestive heart failure Patients who are being treated for severe congestive heart failure can use Isosorbide dinitrate dose from 40 to 160mg/day and divide the dose according to individual needs. Through continuous hemodynamic monitoring it is possible to determine the most optimal dose for the treatment of severe congestive heart failure.
The use of Nadecin 10mg in severe congestive heart failure is often considered as combination therapy with other conventional treatments, such as diuretics or cardiac glycosides. The maximum daily dose of Nadecin for patients with congestive heart failure should not exceed 240 mg.
Dosage of nadecin for the elderly There are currently no specific instructions for the use of isosorbide dinitrate in the elderly. However, according to experts, elderly people when using this drug need to be careful, especially in cases of hypersensitivity to drugs that cause hypotension.
Pediatric dose of nadecin Currently, the safety and effectiveness of using Isosorbide dinitrate for children has not been specifically established.

3.2. How to use Nadecin 10mg?

Depending on the purpose of treatment, Nadecin 10mg will be used in different ways, including:
Prophylaxis of angina: Nadecin is taken orally at a dose of 10 - 20mg/time, used for 3 days. - 4 times/day. Treatment of angina: Suck Nadecin under the tongue or chew from 2.5 - 10mg / time, from 2 to 3 hours / time until the pain completely stops. Treatment of congestive heart failure: Suck Nadecin under the tongue or chew from 5-10mg / time. Patients can also take 10 - 20 mg Nadecin / time or more, 3-4 times / day, then gradually reduce to the maintenance dose. At that time, the patient can use the delayed-release tablet.

4. What to do when overdose or forget dose of Nadecin 10mg?

4.1. What to do when you forget a dose of Nadecin 10mg?

In case of forgetting to take a dose of Nadecin 10mg, the patient should take it again as soon as he remembers. However, if it is too close to the time for the next dose, it is best to skip the missed dose and take the medicine on schedule. Avoid arbitrarily compounding doses, making up doses because it can potentially lead to drug overdose.

4.2. How to handle an overdose of Nadecin 10mg?

When taking an overdose of Nadecin 10mg, patients may experience some symptoms such as low blood pressure, tachycardia, headache like hammering, flushed face. If too high a dose of isosorbide dinitrate is used, it can lead to methemoglobinemia.
In order to manage drug overdose and resolve the above noticeable symptoms, the patient needs to quickly go to the nearest local medical facility or hospital for diagnosis and treatment:
For symptoms of hypotension: Put the patient in a position of elevating legs or apply the infusion method. Treatment of cyanosis caused by Methemoglobinemia: Slow intravenous injection of methylene blue at a dose of 1-2mg/kg body weight. If gastric lavage, the patient uses oral Nadecin.

5. Contraindications to use Nadecin 10mg for any case?

Nadecin 10mg should not be used in the following cases:
People with severe anemia. Patients with low blood pressure or heart failure. People with glaucoma or increased intracranial pressure. Subjects with constrictive pericarditis or right ventricular myocardial infarction. People with obstructive cardiomyopathy or aortic stenosis. The patient is allergic or hypersensitive to organic nitrates.

6. Some side effects when taking Nadecin 10mg

During the use of Nadecin 10mg, patients may experience some of the following unwanted side effects:
Common side effects, including:
Orthostatic hypotension, dizziness, lightheadedness when blood low pressure. Peripheral vasodilation, causing flushing of the face and chest. Vasodilation in the eye causes increased intraocular pressure and increased fluid secretion. Vasodilation in the brain causes headaches and increased intracranial pressure. Uncommon side effects include:
Digestive disorders. Exfoliative dermatitis, rash, hives all over the body. Rare side effects include:
Nausea, vomiting. Methemoglobinemia is caused by the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+, making it difficult for hemoglobin to carry oxygen. When seeing any of the above signs, the patient needs to stop taking the drug and quickly notify the doctor for timely treatment.

7. Some notes when using Nadecin 10mg

7.1. What drugs interact with nadecin 10mg?

In some cases, the interaction of Nadecin 10mg with other medications can reduce the activity and effectiveness of the drug. Therefore, patients should be cautious when using Nadecin in combination with the following drugs:
Disopyramide phosphate used with Nadecin 10mg may interfere with the dissolution of Isosorbid dinitrate lozenges due to the anti-salivation effect of Disopyramide. . Nadecin 10mg and nitrate-containing preparations when taken with alcohol can cause orthostatic hypotension and severe vasodilation. In order to avoid unnecessary drug interactions, patients should inform their doctor about the list of drugs, herbal pills or supplements that they are using as well as other health conditions. are suffering.

7.2. Using Nadecin 10mg for special subjects

For pregnant and lactating women There are currently no adequate studies on the safety of pregnant and lactating women using Nadecin 10mg. Therefore, doctors often recommend that these subjects should not use nitrate-containing products.
For drivers of vehicles or machines When using Nadecin 10mg, there may be potential side effects of orthostatic hypotension with symptoms of dizziness. Therefore, patients with occupations requiring intense concentration such as driving or operating machinery should be used with caution.

7.3. Special note when using Nadecin 10mg

When using Nadecin 10mg, patients should avoid sudden increase in dose from the beginning, instead increase the dose gradually to avoid the risk of headache and orthostatic hypotension. In addition, the patient should also sit or lie down for a while after using the drug. Avoid taking high doses on your own or reducing them suddenly without your doctor's prescription.

7.4. Preservation of Nadecin 10mg

In the process of using Nadecin 10mg, you need to store the medicine in a cool, dry location with an ideal temperature below 30 degrees Celsius. In addition, avoid storing the medicine in a place with direct sunlight or an area. Humid areas, easily exposed to molds and bacteria, affecting drug quality. In addition, you need to keep the medicine out of the reach of children and pets.

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