Or is stomach bloating a colon disease?

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Stomach bloating is the sound made by the intestines, due to the process of contractions of the digestive tract in waves, pushing food and gas to help nutrients be absorbed. Here are the causes of your stomach bloating and how to limit this symptom.

1. Causes of stomach rumbling sound

Abdominal bloating is a physiological phenomenon that anyone can experience and occurs at any time. However, they can also be associated with a number of other conditions. Here are some common causes of stomach bloating:
Aids in digestion: When food reaches the small intestine, the body secretes enzymes that help break down food and facilitate nutrient absorption. Peristalsis is a series of wave-like contractions of the intestinal wall, to move food along the digestive tract. The movement of qi and partially digested food in the alimentary canal creates a rumbling sound. To signal hunger: The rumbling sound may be louder when you are hungry. You'll be more likely to notice a rumbling at night, since there's nothing but air when your stomach contracts. When the stomach is empty, contractions occur about 3 times per minute. Colic may last 10-20 minutes at a time and repeat for hours until the food is consumed. As a sign of a digestive problem: Occasionally, bloating can be related to an underlying medical condition, especially if it's accompanied by other symptoms such as abdominal pain, constipation, or diarrhea. Diseases that cause a lot of abdominal bloating such as: Food allergy, food intolerance, gastrointestinal infection, intestinal obstruction, irritable bowel syndrome, Celiac disease, colitis, disorders of the intestinal flora intestine.

Sôi bụng do viêm đại tràng là bệnh về đường tiêu hóa rất phổ biến
Sôi bụng do viêm đại tràng là bệnh về đường tiêu hóa rất phổ biến

2. Remedies when the stomach boils a lot

Although a bloated stomach is a common symptom of food digestion, it sometimes makes a loud noise that can be embarrassing. Here are some measures to reduce stomach bloating that you can apply:
Drink water: Drinking a glass of water can be an effective solution to reduce stomach bloating, especially if you have nothing to eat at that time. . Water aids digestion and fills the stomach. Large amounts should not be taken in a short period of time as this may produce a louder rumbling sound. Eat a snack: An upset stomach can be a sign that the body is hungry and you should replenish food. Eating a light meal can temporarily stop the stomach rumbling or quiet the cry. This measure is very useful to help limit stomach bloating at night. Some people may divide into 4 to 6 small meals a day to curb hunger and stomach rumbling. Chew slowly: Digestion begins in the mouth, through the act of chewing food. The bloated stomach associated with indigestion can be prevented by chewing thoroughly and eating more slowly. Chewing food properly also reduces the amount of air swallowed, helping to avoid bloating and indigestion. Avoid foods and drinks that cause bloating, alcohol, sugar: Alcohol, sugary foods, and acidic foods (citrus fruits, tangerines) can all cause a bloated stomach. Certain foods and drinks in the digestive process produce more gas, causing the stomach to boil more, such as soft drinks, beer, cereals, beans, cabbage... Food intolerances: Intolerable Some foods can cause bloating and stomach upset. For example, lactose intolerance, a condition caused by a deficiency of the enzyme lactase, is a common cause. The best way to control leaf symptoms is to avoid foods that are known to trigger symptoms. Portion control: A bloated stomach may become more apparent after eating large meals, especially if they're rich in fat, sugar, red meat, and other hard-to-digest foods. Breaking meals into small, slow chews will help reduce the risk of overeating. Light activity after meals: Going for a walk after a meal aids digestion by speeding up gastric emptying. You should only do light activities, avoid vigorous exercise. Avoid anxiety and stress: Stress increases bowel movements, causing abdominal bloating. In addition, it also slows down the digestive process, indigestion. Treat underlying digestive problems: Some serious illnesses that require emergency treatment, such as intestinal obstruction, can also cause stomach upset. Therefore, if the stomach boils a lot combined with other symptoms such as pain, diarrhea, vomiting, you should see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis. Bloating is a symptom that most people can experience, and it can be overcome by avoiding food intolerances, eating right, and exercising. However, it can be a sign of diseases related to the colon or intestinal obstruction, gastrointestinal infection. Therefore, you should see your doctor if you have frequent stomach upset, especially if it is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms.

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