Often tired, poor sleep, headache should go to the doctor and do tests?

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Hello doctor. I recently saw people tired, eating poorly, having headaches, not working efficiently. I couldn't eat much even though I was very hungry. Eat or have nausea. Please ask the doctor, the condition is often tired, poor sleep, headache should go to the doctor and do tests? Thank you doctor for your advice.
Anonymous question
Hello. As you mentioned, the doctor advises you to have a general examination of blood tests, liver and kidney function, electrolytes, blood count, abdominal ultrasound. . . and may need a gastroscopy to check, because you are not eating much despite being very hungry and eating or showing signs of nausea.
Maybe your doctor will advise you to have a gastroscopy to check your stomach for stomach ulcers or Helicobacter pylori infection. You can perform the above tests and examinations at the hospital of Vinmec Health System. Looking forward to meeting you and discussing more about the condition of often fatigue, poor sleep, headache should go to the doctor and do tests? Love.
Answered by Master, Doctor Vu Tan Phuc - Gastroenterologist - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital
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