Obesity and the risk of infertility

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Obesity is a very common disease today when foods containing a lot of fat, starch, and sugar are more and more popular. Obesity is the cause of many diseases such as migraines, diabetes, sleep disorders and even infertility.

1. When is a patient considered obese?

Obesity or overweight is a condition in which the body has too much body fat, they can appear at any age. To assess whether a patient is obese or not, we will rely on the results of BMI.
BMI is a standard score used to determine a patient's weight level, using measurements of body height and weight as the basis for assessment. After having BMI, the doctor will evaluate the patient's condition as follows:
BMI <16: Skinny grade III; 16 ≤ BMI <17: Skinny grade II; 17 ≤ BMI <18.5: Skinny grade I; 18.5 ≤ BMI <25: Normal; 25 ≤ BMI < 30: Overweight; 30 ≤ BMI 35: Obesity grade 1; 35 ≤ BMI <40: Grade II obesity; BMI >40: Grade III obesity.

Một người được đánh giá là thừa cân dựa trên chỉ số BMI
Một người được đánh giá là thừa cân dựa trên chỉ số BMI

2. Obesity and the risk of infertility

Obesity is a dangerous disease, regardless of age, this disease also has certain effects on health. But many people don't know that obesity can also affect infertility in both men and women.
According to statistics, women between the ages of 18-40, if the fat content in the body exceeds 10-15% of the normal, it can affect fertility. This amount of fat causes an excess of estrogen in the female body, thereby reducing the function of the ovaries, and increasing the risk of gynecological inflammatory diseases. This is the most common cause affecting a woman's fertility.
Besides, as we all know, most cases of obesity lead to diabetes. Women with high and unstable sugar levels during pregnancy may experience premature birth or miscarriage. At the same time, babies born to obese women are more likely to be overweight, have birth defects, need special care after birth, or have health problems in childhood, and possibly be obese. during development.
Not only that for men, obesity also has a great influence on the ability to have children. Because diabetes will cause organ dysfunction, the body always feels tired, which leads to physiological weakness. Some studies show that the sperm of people with diabetes often show signs of damage. Therefore, not only women but also men have a high rate of infertility due to obesity.

Béo phì làm ảnh hưởng đến khả năng sinh con ở cả nam và nữ giới
Béo phì làm ảnh hưởng đến khả năng sinh con ở cả nam và nữ giới

3. How to overcome the risk of infertility due to obesity?

Obesity not only causes unsightly but also affects the health of the patient, especially reproductive health. Therefore, to overcome the risk of infertility due to obesity, we need to eliminate the main cause of this condition. In particular, weight loss is the most effective and necessary method for obese patients.
When there is a standard weight, a woman's menstrual cycle is also kept stable, increases the libido of both men and women, the ability to conceive naturally also increases. Although, not all obese cases are also infertile, but the risk of infertility in these patients will be higher than the general population. Therefore, losing weight and maintaining a reasonable figure not only helps to improve aesthetics but also is essential for the reproductive health of both men and women.
However, losing weight is said to be simple, but successful weight loss is not easy. Therefore, patients need to choose safe and effective weight loss methods. According to the recommendations of nutritionists, the combination of diet control, lifestyle adjustment, exercise and rest is the most effective weight loss method for patients.
Specific weight loss methods for people at risk of infertility due to obesity are as follows:
Establish a scientific and balanced diet, in which priority is given to eating lots of green vegetables, fresh fruits, Drink plenty of water, and at the same time avoid foods high in fat and sugar.

Xây dựng thực đơn giảm cân với nhiều rau củ và trái cây tươi
Xây dựng thực đơn giảm cân với nhiều rau củ và trái cây tươi

Change habits of scientific activities, patients must not stay up too late, get up too late. Especially at night will not be snacking and using too many stimulants. Regular exercise to improve health and remove excess body fat with simple exercises such as jogging, cycling, swimming, cage bridge... Do not arbitrarily use reducing drugs Weight loss of unknown origin and not as prescribed by a doctor or unscientific weight loss methods. Because this may not bring effective weight loss but also adversely affect the patient's health. Obesity is a dangerous disease and has a very slow effect on the body, so the patient is often very subjective. The longer the disease lasts, the more damage the body will suffer. So maintain a reasonable weight for good health.
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