Nutritional notes when having diarrhea

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Acute diarrhea occurs in all four seasons of the year, manifesting as having watery stools 3 or more times a day. Patients often present with vomiting, abdominal pain, and anal pain. The cause of acute diarrhea can be due to food poisoning and infection with pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and parasites (Campylobacter, E. Coli, V. Chorela, Shigella, Samonella, Giardia Lamblia, Rotavirus, etc.) adenovirus)... caused.

1. Rehydration when having diarrhea

When you have diarrhea, your body loses a lot of water, which in severe cases can be dangerous, even fatal. Rehydration and electrolytes are required to regain fluid loss through the gastrointestinal tract. Oresol can be used, mixed according to the instructions on the package. Drink this solution in sips and as often as possible. This is the most important thing at this time.
The body needs to replenish the lost water. Without enough water, the body can dry out and lead to other symptoms. In addition, water acts as a rinse of toxins out of the body. Drinking a lot of water can make diarrhea worse, but it will go away faster.
Diarrhea also deprives the body of some sugars and minerals. Along with water, these substances should be replenished by mixing a teaspoon of sugar with a little salt in a liter of filtered water. You can add orange juice or lemon juice if you need a delicious taste. If you cannot drink, you can give saline to compensate for the body. Soft drinks with a little bit of water should not be consumed in large quantities.
Diarrhea can lead to malnutrition because food passes through the intestines too quickly, the body does not use them for energy and because the patient eats less because of decreased appetite. Although during diarrhea, the absorption of food is reduced than usual, but still absorbed much through the intestines. When you have diarrhea, you should not eat a lot of greasy foods, fried foods with butter or lard, sausages, coffee, carbonated soft drinks.

2. Diet when having diarrhea

Nutritional notes when having diarrhea
Gas-producing foods such as cabbage, broccoli, legumes, peas, onions... can irritate the intestines and make symptoms worse. Therefore, these foods should be avoided. Also, avoid foods and drinks with caffeine until the diarrhea has subsided.
Avoid some foods that cause diarrhea more like beans, cabbage, bean sprouts... even rice should not be eaten too much. In case of fear of exhaustion because of lack of nutrients, you can eat clear soups and soups such as chicken soup, pho broth, and avoid cloudy soups such as bean or potato soup.
Foods with high calorific value, rich in protein and vitamins, low in lipids, are easy to digest and do not cause irritation. Therefore, patients should choose to eat rice porridge, water noodles, lean meat, chicken, tofu, young leaves of vegetables. The main processing methods are: stewed, boiled, braised, dipped, steamed. Food should be minced, chopped, cooked to add enough energy, protein, vitamins, and reduced mechanical and chemical stimulation to the intestinal tract, helping to restore health. Patients should also eat less one, into many meals.


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