Nutrition for prevention of respiratory diseases in children

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Diet can aid in the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases in children. Below is a typical nutritional regimen in the prevention of respiratory diseases in children effectively.

1. Eating vegetables every day helps prevent respiratory diseases in children

Vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals that can support healthy lung function. Broccoli, spinach, and squash are among the most nutrient-dense vegetables because they are packed with vitamins C, E and bioflavonoids.
A study has shown that lycopene found in tomatoes can help reduce respiratory infections in young children. Garlic and onions are high in antioxidants that have also been shown to improve lung function, which in turn helps prevent respiratory diseases in children.
If your child is a picky eater, try hiding vegetables in some of their favorite dishes. For example, add a handful of chopped spinach to a sandwich or shred broccoli and carrots to mix with cream or cheese. It's always best to try to come up with ways to get your child to eat three servings of vegetables a day.

2. Regularly let children eat fruit

Just like vegetables, fruits contain vitamins and minerals necessary for healthy lung function and increased resistance for children. In particular, kiwi is especially useful for children who often suffer from asthma. Apples contain bioflavonoids that can help reduce inflammation and improve the frequency of seasonal illnesses in young children.
Parents can give their children a variety of fruits but should choose fresh and frozen fruits instead of canned. Fruit smoothies with yogurt can be a great way for kids to eat well while consuming optimal nutrients.

3. Give your child milk every day

Milk is very useful for people with asthma as well as respiratory diseases in children. This is because milk contains a high content of calcium and magnesium, which help reduce inflammation and increase air flow for easier breathing.
Children need between 500 mg and 1,300 mg of calcium per day and between 80 mg and 240 mg of magnesium per day depending on age. Add low-fat milk, unsweetened and low-fat yogurt, and cheese to the diet to help children get enough calcium and magnesium they need.

4. Try fresh fish from the weaning diet

Fish is high in Omega-3 fatty acids or unsaturated fats. A recent study found that children who ate adequate amounts of Omega-3s from fish had better airflow and were less dependent on medications for respiratory ailments.
Try feeding your child tuna, halibut, and salmon a few days a week to help them get more of the unsaturated fats they need. On the other hand, if your child has an allergy to sea fish or doesn't like fish, then almonds and walnuts can be an ideal fish replacement omega-3 source.

Sữa rất hữu ích đối với người bị hen suyễn cũng như các bệnh hô hấp ở trẻ em
Sữa rất hữu ích đối với người bị hen suyễn cũng như các bệnh hô hấp ở trẻ em

5. Eliminate Trans Fat

Trans fats can be dangerous for children with asthma or seasonal illnesses in general. This is because in the process of metabolizing these fats, the body produces chemicals that can cause an inflammatory response in the respiratory tract.
Trans fats are found in margarine, most baked goods and sweets, chips or fast foods. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid giving children any processed foods and limit fast meals as much as possible.

6. Practice giving your child some cereals

Most children get their protein from poultry and red meat. However, a study was done that showed that children who get protein from whole-grain sources, such as oatmeal, wheat and quinoa, are less likely to wheeze when they have syphilis. season.
Pediatricians generally recommend that children need at least three servings of whole grains daily. One suggested way to introduce cereal to your child is to grab some whole-grain bread and spread it with unsweetened peanut butter for breakfast, or make stir-fried whole-grain pasta with vegetables for lunch.

7. Limit your child's sugar intake

Like trans fats, sugar can increase inflammation in the digestive process. In addition, too much sugar in anyone's diet can lead to weight gain, leading to respiratory symptoms and wheezing attacks when asthma is severe.
Thus, parents need to limit their children to eating sweets, only once or twice a week. It's best to choose natural sweets, such as dried or fresh fruit.

8. Carbohydrate restriction in young children

Most children like to chew foods rich in carbs but this can be detrimental to respiratory diseases in children. Therefore, it is important to limit children's intake of large quantities of crackers, chips, cakes and processed snacks as well as other sources of carbohydrates.
Parents can replace regular bread, tortillas and pasta with whole grain versions, these foods will be healthier for the airways as well as avoid catching seasonal illnesses in children.

Ăn rau mỗi ngày giúp phòng bệnh hô hấp ở trẻ em
Ăn rau mỗi ngày giúp phòng bệnh hô hấp ở trẻ em

9. Add some seasoning to food

Certain spices can have a healing effect on the body and even the lungs. For example, Rosmarinic acid found in spices can help eliminate free radicals and inflammatory agents in the body.
Therefore, since children learn to eat solid foods, parents should try adding some spices that do not contain salt or too much sugar into their children's meals. This not only helps to increase the flavor of the dish, but also helps prevent respiratory diseases in children.

10. Let your child drink enough water every day

Dehydration can lead to increased water retention in the body and an increased inflammatory response, both of which can worsen respiratory symptoms. Drinking enough water helps the body work more smoothly and the lungs work better.
Therefore, parents need to remind their children to drink enough water every day. The amount of water intake will depend on the age, weather and physical activity of the child. Should choose ordinary filtered water for refreshment instead of fruit juice.
A good nutrition will help prevent seasonal diseases in children. Because there are some foods that affect the respiratory tract, knowledge when choosing foods will help increase children's resistance, reduce the frequency of respiratory diseases during the year.
In addition to having a healthy diet and increasing physical activity, children should be supplemented with essential micronutrients such as zinc, selenium, chromium, vitamins B1 and B6, ginger, acerola extract ( vitamin C),... to improve taste, eat well, reach the correct height and weight, enhance resistance to less sickness and less digestive problems.
The improvement of symptoms can take place for a long time, so it is recommended that parents be calm and persistent when supplementing with nutrients for children, even through eating or functional foods. In particular, the use of functional foods should choose those of natural origin that are easily absorbed, do not allow simultaneous use of many types or continuously change the types of functional foods.
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