Note on microsurgery for varicocele

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Varicocele is a condition in which the veins in the scrotum become larger than normal. Although not an acute and life-threatening condition, varicocele can lead to male infertility. One of the methods of treating this pathology is microsurgery of the varicocele.

1. Varicose veins of the testicles

Varicocele is defined as the dilation of the vine plexus within the scrotum of a man due to great pressure. The disease has a high rate in adult men, because there are few symptoms and patients often have a subjective mentality before this disease, so it is usually difficult to detect varicocele in women. male.
The mechanism of varicocele is due to stagnation in blood circulation around the testicles, causing the venous system to dilate and form varicose veins in the male scrotum. The cause of this condition is explained by the lack of a valve or weakness in the testicular veins, which causes the blood flow to flow into the internal seminal veins to meet the reflux phenomenon, causing the dysfunction of the testicles. More specifically, when the patient has varicocele, the testes in men will not be able to grow and function anymore, and the semen disorder as well as the dysfunction of Leydig cells will appear. presently.
Clinical signs to recognize varicocele is that the patient can palpate the dilated tuft curled inside the scrotum, accompanied by a feeling of pain in the groin, scrotum... In addition, when the disease is suspected patients can go to medical facilities to have a specialist perform a physical examination with tests such as exertion, Valsalva...and perform a number of paraclinical techniques to help diagnose the disease. such as scrotal Doppler ultrasound to measure the diameter of the spermatic cord veins.

Máu quanh tinh hoàn bị ứ trệ gây cảm giác đau tức bẹn, bìu
Máu quanh tinh hoàn bị ứ trệ gây cảm giác đau tức bẹn, bìu

Although varicocele does not seriously affect the patient's life, the disease can leave some dangerous complications if not treated promptly, including male infertility complications. most important today. The cause of this condition is that when a patient has varicocele, after a period of time the testosterone hormone in men will decrease, leading to erectile dysfunction, then the testicles begin to shrink and the amount of sperm There are also fewer spermatozoa, resulting in male infertility.
In addition, the mechanism of infertility can also be affected by a number of factors such as increased testicular temperature when the veins are dilated, blood stasis in the testicles, reducing the ability to excrete and cause poisoning. testicles, or insufficient blood oxygen and nutrients to nourish sperm due to varicose veins... Therefore, when there are signs of suspicion of disease, patients should go to medical facilities for early examination and treatment. as possible, preventing infertility complications.

2. Microscopic surgery for varicose veins

There are many methods to choose from to treat varicocele, depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment. If the patient is in a mild stage of the disease, it is possible to adjust the habits in life to cure the disease, but if the condition is more severe, the patient may be able to take medicine, possibly surgery. in patients unresponsive to drug therapy.
Some surgical methods of varicocele are applied today such as open surgery, laparoscopic surgery, interventional embolization, varicocele dissection, varicocele or microsurgical varicose veins. pure. Among the above methods, microsurgery for varicocele is considered an effective treatment, with little invasiveness to the patient's body as well as recovery time after varicocele surgery by means of varicocele. Microsurgery is also faster than other methods.

Mổ vi phẫu là phương pháp điều trị hiệu quả ít xâm lấn
Mổ vi phẫu là phương pháp điều trị hiệu quả ít xâm lấn

Microsurgery for varicocele is also an open surgical technique, but compared with traditional surgery, varicocele microsurgery has the combination of a microscope, so it is capable of magnifying still images. vessels, helping the surgeon to be more aware during the procedure. This is considered one of the gold standards for the treatment of varicocele, because it is possible to enlarge the vas deferens, so it is possible to identify the undilated veins in order to preserve the arteries and lymphatics and limit the complications. complications after surgery such as testicular atrophy, hydrocele. It is very important that when a patient has a varicocele in the varicocele, the likelihood of recurrence after conventional surgery is very high. Because the plexus structure is interconnected, blood can circulate in many different large and small veins, leading to the fact that without the magnification from microsurgery of varicocele, this condition continues to go unnoticed in traditional scrotal surgery.
Microsurgery of varicocele also helps to distinguish veins and arteries, avoiding testicular artery occlusion causing reproductive dysfunction of the patient. Similarly, when the wrong lymphatic system is blocked, it will cause a sac in the male scrotum, which is the cause of hydrocele due to the testicles being larger than normal.
After performing microscopic varicocele surgery, it is necessary to note a number of issues as follows:
Do not work too hard, especially movements related to abdominal muscles such as running, kicking a soccer ball... No Wear clothing that is too tight and has a fabric that doesn't dry out. Do not bathe or wash your body with hot water because it can cause varicose veins, especially the habit of soaking in a hot tub. Do not strain when going to the toilet. Do not use stimulants such as beer, alcohol, tobacco... Regarding the issue of varicocele surgery, how long to have sex, the patient should avoid sexual activity for 1 month after surgery. . Varicocele is a common disease in men, affecting the daily life as well as the reproductive function of men. Microsurgery of varicocele is one of the most effective treatment methods available today, causing few complications as well as reducing the recurrence rate after surgery. Microsurgery of varicocele requires to be performed in reputable medical facilities, fully equipped with modern technical machines and most importantly, a team of qualified and experienced doctors and nurses. experience in this treatment.
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