Note before going to the gynecologist

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The article is professionally consulted by MSc Vo Thien Ngon - Urologist, Department of General Surgery, Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.

Male examination is a necessary job to help men monitor their physiological health status. This process consists of many steps, with the goal of examination and diagnosis, and a treatment plan for each patient.

1. What is a gynecological examination?

Gynecological examination is an examination of the male reproductive organs and physiological ability in order to detect early lesions, papillomas, check reproductive health is good or not.
Therefore, you should have a gynecological examination every 6 months to ensure the best health.

2. Why should you go to a gynecologist periodically?

When detecting abnormal signs, by personal experience or self-study, it is not possible to diagnose the right disease, so going to a male clinic to examine and perform a full range of tests It will help specialist doctors diagnose the most accurate health conditions as well as diseases arising in the male genitals.
If not detected and treated early, male diseases will get worse and have bad changes, which can cause infertility and endanger health, even your own life. Therefore, we cannot ignore any disease, so regular medical check-ups will help us know the condition early, treat it easily and effectively.

3. What should be done before a gynecological examination?

Nam giới phải gạt bỏ sự e ngại, nắm vững nguyên tắc thẳng thắn trao đổi với bác sĩ những vấn đề bản thân đang gặp phải
Nam giới phải gạt bỏ sự e ngại, nắm vững nguyên tắc thẳng thắn trao đổi với bác sĩ những vấn đề bản thân đang gặp phải

In order for the doctor to have a convenient examination and you do not have to go to the hospital many times, what do you need to prepare before going to the male clinic? Andrology experts said that men must be well prepared for the following:
Psychological preparation Male examination is one of the sensitive issues such as: premature ejaculation, circumcision, physiological weakness, urethra, ... most men are afraid when it comes to this issue. And if you keep this mentality to go to the doctor, it will be a barrier in the doctor's examination and diagnosis.
Therefore, men must put aside their shyness, master the principle of frankness and openly talk about the problems they are facing. Consider the doctor as a friend to share, so the doctor will examine and diagnose more accurately.
Do 2 "nos" Don't drink a lot of water before going to the doctor: This is a rule to keep in mind, if you suspect that you have a urinary tract infection, you must hold your urine for 8 hours to get accurate results.
Do not have sex or masturbate before going to a gynecologist, especially when going for an erectile dysfunction or infertility test. Must abstain from ejaculation for about 5-7 days to test and diagnose the disease accurately.
Prepare relevant documents It is advisable to prepare documents related to your health status to take with you so that the doctor can easily monitor the medical examination. Tell your doctor about the medications you are taking.
Honestly answer the problems that the doctor mentioned such as: What are the symptoms of the disease? When and how did the disease appear? Has the patient taken any medication?
Need to clean before going to the doctor Before going to the doctor, you must take a bath and clean your personal hygiene, especially in the private area. This will make you more confident, reducing the risk of infection during the examination. However, do not use harsh detergents or products or soaps that will adversely affect lesions, abrasions or ulcers.
When going to the doctor, you should bring your partner to the doctor, because many men's diseases are sexually transmitted such as gonorrhea, syphilis, genital warts or genital herpes.
In addition, you should prepare the cost of a male examination, including: cost of medical examination books, tests, drug costs. Wear loose, suitable clothing to facilitate the examination process.
Find out the address of the male clinic, medical facilities, and male specialist clinic to choose the most prestigious and quality place.

4. The procedure of male examination

Phân tích tinh trùng, tinh dịch là một trong những xét nghiệm quan trọng nhất để biết được khả năng sinh lý của đàn ông
Phân tích tinh trùng, tinh dịch là một trong những xét nghiệm quan trọng nhất để biết được khả năng sinh lý của đàn ông

Step 1: Check the basic indicators of the body and examine the outside of the genitals. Men will be consulted by male doctors to check basic body indicators including: Height, weight, blood pressure, heart rate.
Step 2: Focused examination on the genitals
Initially, specialists will examine the outside of the male genitals to check for any lesions, ulcers or lumps? This helps them detect male inflammatory diseases or STDs. Next, check the testicle to see if it is hidden or not? Is there a tumor in the testicle?
Step 3: Conduct the test
This is an extremely important step in the medical examination process. Because these tests will clear up doubts and questions of specialists during previous external genital examination. At the same time, help them make the most accurate diagnosis. Some tests that you must perform are as follows:
Test and analysis of sperm, semen Semen test is one of the most important tests to know a man's physiological ability. During this test, the doctor examines and evaluates sperm count, movement, shape, and variation. If the sperm count is higher than the average number of men, then the fertility of that man is higher.
But there are many men with low, abnormal or weak sperm still able to reproduce. About 15% of men are infertile despite normal semen.
If the first semen analysis shows normal results, the doctor will order a second test to make the most accurate diagnosis. If the results are both normal, then it is concluded that you do not have a physiological problem or infertility. If abnormal results are found, the doctor will perform some other tests to clarify.
Evaluation of hormones The doctor will make some conclusions related to hormones. Measure testicle size. The superior varicose veins of the testicles can be detected, a common cause of male infertility.
Evaluation of the male sex hormone testosterone and many hormones formed in the brain to control sperm production. However, hormones are not a big problem leading to male infertility.
Genetic testing in men Some special genetic tests will help doctors identify special problems related to reproductive health, sperm problems, sperm problems in men.
Test for antibodies against sperm This is an important test in the male examination to detect male sexual problems. Naturally, the male body has abnormal antibodies to fight against his own sperm production. These antibodies attack the sperm while they are "swimming" to the egg, preventing fertilization.
It can be understood that men can produce sperm but the sperm do not get to where they need to go even though the sperm is completely normal in the testicles.
There are also a number of reasons why a man's sperm count decreases even though sperm production is completely normal:
Due to retrograde ejaculation : This case can be understood as retrograde sperm bladder, due to previous surgery. There is a problem with the duct system of your testicles and penis. Lack of sperm ducts: A genetic problem, some men are born without a main duct for sperm. Anti-sperm antibody: This substance attacks and prevents sperm from reaching the egg. Up to 25% of male infertility is due to abnormal sperm or low sperm count with no known cause.
In addition, the patient will have to perform blood tests, urine tests and urethral discharge. Separate examination of the genitals for lesions, signs of STDs, undescended testicles or tumors.

Có đến 25% nam giới vô sinh là do tinh trùng bất thường hoặc tinh trùng thấp mà không biết nguyên nhân do đâu
Có đến 25% nam giới vô sinh là do tinh trùng bất thường hoặc tinh trùng thấp mà không biết nguyên nhân do đâu

5. Where to go for a gynecological examination?

The process of male examination will help you detect a number of diseases such as urinary tract infections, urethritis, cystitis, balanitis, orchitis, undescended testicles, prostatitis... or sexually transmitted diseases... From there, there are timely treatment directions to minimize the complications that the disease causes to men's health.
However, where to go to a male doctor for quality not only gives men peace of mind but also is an important factor determining the effectiveness of treatment.
Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital is a prestigious and quality address with a team of medical staff and doctors with many years of experience in male medical examination and treatment. Modern facilities, treatment methods, and medical equipment are mainly imported from countries with developed medical background to help customers detect diseases accurately and quickly, thereby bringing effective treatment to patients. optimal value.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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