High Testosterone Levels: Bad News for the Heart

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A recent study revealed that high testosterone levels can significantly increase the risk of heart failure and stroke in men due to blood clots.

1. Revealed from new studies

New research has found that men with naturally high testosterone levels face nearly eight times the risk of heart failure and the risk of thromboembolism (a condition caused by a blood clot that blocks a blood vessel). to the brain or lungs) is twice as high as normal.
Although the study only focused on men with naturally high testosterone levels, it also suggests elderly men who are taking testosterone therapy (to promote health and improve sexual performance) ) also face similar ill effects.
The researchers also note that, in the United States alone between 2000 and 2011, the total amount of testosterone sold increased 12 times.
To investigate further, an international research team led by expert C. Mary Schooling from the School of Public Health and Public Policy - City University of New York, conducted a very analytical study. There are many different gene variants to predict testosterone levels, thereby determining how these variations affect the risk of blood clots, heart failure or heart attack.
The researchers tested these men's testosterone levels, then looked to see if there were any gene variants among those with the highest testosterone levels.

Nghiên cứu tập trung trên đối tượng nam giới có nồng độ testosterone cao tự nhiên
Nghiên cứu tập trung trên đối tượng nam giới có nồng độ testosterone cao tự nhiên

Next, researchers will compare these genes with medical data from more than 392,000 Britons (both men and women), to see if carriers of this gene variant face an increased risk thrombosis, heart failure, or myocardial infarction.
The final results found that a gene that increases natural testosterone levels, named JMJD1C, increases the risk of blood clots in men by two times and the risk of heart failure by 7.8 times.
A follow-up validation study of 172,000 people also found that the above gene increased the risk of heart attack by 37%.

2. Comments of experts

Dr Guy Mintz, director of the Center for Cardiovascular Health and Lipidology, Northwell Health's Sandra Atlas Bass Heart Hospital in Manhasset, New York: This study is a big warning, the more testosterone used, the better. The greater the risk of cardiovascular events, the greater the risk of death.
Testosterone replacement therapy is not as popular as it used to be, in the past few years the use of therapy has decreased significantly but it is still done to a certain extent, and the indication of whether Testosterone therapy mainly comes from social pressure as well as a lack of knowledge in the field. Older men who are concerned about their own sexual health are often influenced by advertisements on television and radio that make them believe and buy testosterone supplements. Testosterone replacement therapy is really dangerous when patients use it without the right indications and no clear benefit.

Liệu pháp điều trị testosterone thay thế
Liệu pháp điều trị testosterone thay thế

Dr. Richard Becker, Director of the University of Cincinnati's Institute of Cardiology - Pulmonary - Circulatory: The results of this new study and previous studies have disproved the cardiovascular benefits of testosterone; and these results also illustrate long-standing concerns about testosterone. Men who carry a gene variant that causes a natural increase in testosterone levels should be more concerned about their heart health; Know the modifiable risk factors, and change it as soon as possible, as vigorously as possible, exercise regularly, eat healthy, don't smoke (or quit) smoke if you smoke), control your weight, and control your blood pressure and blood sugar. Certainly, more research is needed in the future to determine whether naturally high testosterone levels are a cardiovascular risk factor that needs to be treated. In addition, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) needs to put a warning about the increased risk of heart attack and stroke on the label of testosterone pills. Testosterone is believed to have a stabilizing effect on the arteries, leading people who take large doses of the drug to face an increased risk of blood clots. Experts emphasize that, based on the results of the study, elderly men should consider carefully before deciding to use testosterone replacement therapy. The above new study was published in BMJ online on March 6, 2019.

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Article reference source: webmd.com
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