The article was consulted professionally by Master, Doctor Le Nhat Ng Nguyen—Obstetrician—Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology—Vinmecanang International General Hospital.
After terminating a pregnancy via various ways, the "2 lines" phenomenon may persist due to the body's hormones and pregnancy tests continue to produce positive results.
1. Morning sickness after abortion
Nausea and chest pain can linger for more than two weeks due to a slow reduction in hormone levels in the body. This symptom can also be caused by adverse effects from some medicines.
If this condition persists, is severe, and has not returned after 6-8 weeks (from the day of abortion), you should see a doctor for a check-up.
2. Why does the pregnancy test still show "2 lines" after an abortion?

This is a common occurrence, as hormonal levels can cause pregnancy tests to yield positive findings 1 to 3 weeks post-abortion or miscarriage. Placental hormones are found in both the placenta and the bloodstream. Even though the fetus has left the mother's body, the placental hormones in her blood have not been totally removed, resulting in this phenomenon.
However, it is still essential that you contact an obstetrician and have an ultrasound to see whether there is any remaining placenta that can be treated immediately with medicine or other appropriate treatments. If you have an abortion, you must take antibiotics and hormone medications as directed by your doctor to avoid adhesions since the uterine lining may be injured. When the bleeding stops, you can "resume sexual activity" and become pregnant again after two more menstrual cycles.
Other indicators that demand a hospital check-up include:
- Fever (mild or higher than 38 degrees Celsius)
- Fatigue within one week of abortion
- Heavy bleeding during menstruation and prolonged
- Persistent vaginal blood clots
- Severe or dull abdominal ache.
- Vaginal discharge has a terrible odor
- There is no menstruation after four weeks.
3. Normal symptoms after abortion

Menstruation and contraception
The menstrual cycle will begin 4-8 weeks after the abortion.
When menstruation has not returned, ovulation will continue, and pregnancy may occur before the next cycle begins. As a result, after terminating the pregnancy, it is vital to utilize contraception.
Symptoms after terminating a pregnancy:
Vaginal bleeding: occurs within 5 days of ending the pregnancy. Some patients may experience continuous bleeding for up to two weeks, even 45 days, but this is not a serious indicator.
Nausea: After ending the pregnancy, the nausea and morning sickness symptoms will gradually fade away. If your morning sickness symptoms persist after two weeks, you should see your doctor.
Breast pain: experiencing breast pain within two weeks of ending the pregnancy.
Dr. Le Nhat Nguyen has over 20 years of expertise practicing obstetrics and gynecology. He was previously an obstetrician at Gia Dinh People's Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City. He is very skilled and experienced in detecting and treating obstetric and gynecological problems. He is currently a doctor at the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology at Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital.
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