Modern methods help find the exact location of breast tumors before treatment

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The article was professionally consulted by BSCK II Phung Thi Phuong Chi - Oncologist - Oncology Center - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
Preoperative breast tumor positioning is a modern method to help find the exact location of the breast tumor before treatment, under the guidance of ultrasound, to help surgeons facilitate tumor removal and bring efficiency to the patient. breast cancer patients.

1. What is ultrasound-guided preoperative needle placement for breast tumors?

In the indication for diagnosis of a suspected malignant breast lesion, Preoperative breast localization is a technique to place a wire needle in the position of non-palpable tumors, under the guidance of imaging diagnostic tools to help The surgeon is favorable in removing the tumor.
In indications for breast cancer treatment with neo-adjuvant chemotherapy and subsequent conservative surgery, before placing the needle, one needs to place a maker and clip on the tumor location before chemotherapy treatment. adjuvant treatment. When the tumor responds to treatment, it will be smaller even if it is not visible by imaging means, now thanks to the pre-marked maker/clip, the tumor position is determined and a fixed needle will be placed. position before surgery, helping surgeons facilitate tumor removal, breast cancer treatment

Trắc nghiệm: Những lầm tưởng và sự thật về ung thư vú

Ung thư vú có tỷ lệ tử vong cao nhất ở nữ giới khiến họ rất lo sợ bản thân mắc phải căn bệnh này. Tuy nhiên, không ít chị em có những hiểu biết thái quá về ung thư vú. Thử sức cùng bài trắc nghiệm sau sẽ giúp bạn loại bỏ được những nghi ngờ không đúng về căn bệnh này.

Bài dịch từ:

2. Indications and contraindications of preoperative wire needle positioning

Recurrent infectious breast cysts, cystic fibrosis complex, small papilloma, Suspicious or failed biopsy results, lesions are too small (<5mm) core needle biopsy is difficult towel. Malignant breast tumors that are not clinically palpable, with an indication for conservative treatment Tumor lesions or microcalcifications are not clinically palpable, with an indication for open biopsy. Contraindications:
History of allergy to local anesthetic Lidocaine. Have a blood clotting disorder.

Kỹ thuật được chỉ định cho bệnh nhân u xơ tuyến vú lành tính
Kỹ thuật được chỉ định cho bệnh nhân u xơ tuyến vú lành tính

3. Advantages and disadvantages of the technique

Positioning the wire needle helps the surgeon to remove the abnormal breast mass that is not palpable. This method helps to mark even the smallest lesions identified by MRI, ultrasound or mammography. Because only the localized lesion is removed, the surgical scar is very small and the breast shape is maximally preserved. This method also helps to reduce surgery time, especially when you are anaesthetized with general anesthesia.
Short hospital stay only about 1 day.
Some women experience an allergic reaction to local anesthetics, although this is rare. When it comes to MRI imaging, there are some problems if you have a previous metal implant in your body. In rare cases, you may be allergic to the contrast agent used in an MRI scan. Thread breakage also occurs occasionally. However, this is rarely dangerous, because the loop material is similar to the positioning clips the doctor places in the mammary gland, so there is no need to remove it if a needle is missing. Displacement of the wire needle: due to the loose fatty tissue of the mammary gland and the weak hook of the needle, you need to keep the loop fixed and avoid strong movement after the needle is positioned. When the needle is displaced you will need to place it to reposition the breast lesion again.

4. Normal expression after performing the technique

The patient is fully awake during the biopsy and may feel some discomfort or slight pain. The main thing is that you need to relax and avoid undue fear during the procedure

Bệnh nhân hoàn toàn tỉnh táo khi sinh thiết nên có thể cảm thấy hơi khó chịu hoặc hơi đau một chút
Bệnh nhân hoàn toàn tỉnh táo khi sinh thiết nên có thể cảm thấy hơi khó chịu hoặc hơi đau một chút

5. When is the following technical performance abnormal?

Anesthesia Poisoning Anesthesia allergy Hematoma at the puncture site Needle drop or needle displacement

6. Things to keep in mind when performing this technique

Patient changing patient clothes and jewelry that may interfere in the procedure area. Before performing locating the needle, the patient needs to inform the doctor about the drugs being used, the allergic state if any, especially to the anesthetic. If anticoagulants are used, they should be discontinued within 5-7 days prior to the procedure. Patients should also report their most recent medical conditions. Depending on the imaging means to identify breast lesions, you will be instructed by your doctor to lie down or sit in different positions. Needle positioning time averaged about 30 minutes (with ultrasound or mammography guidance) or 45 minutes (with MRI guidance).
Doctor Phung Thi Phuong Chi has 20 years of professional experience at Ho Chi Minh City Oncology Hospital with strengths in cancer examination, diagnosis, and surgical treatment and chemotherapy.
Doctor Chi participated in domestic and foreign training courses and was one of the first surgeons to perform Laparoscopic Gynecological Cancer Surgery in Ho Chi Minh City.
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