Menu for malnourished children 1 year old

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1-year-old children suffer from malnutrition not only lacking in weight and height but also having limited resistance as well as intellectual and thinking development... The prevention and early overcoming of the situation Malnutrition of children is quite important, affecting children a lot in the future life. Establishing a reasonably balanced menu helps children improve malnutrition.

1. Malnutrition-related problems in 1-year-old children

Child malnutrition for 1-year-old children is known as a deficiency of essential nutrients, seriously affecting the child's growth, thereby leading to physical development. Therefore, children's thinking is also limited. Moreover, the consequences of malnutrition also affect children's resistance and resistance to the surrounding environment. The most obvious manifestations of these children are often thin in appearance, shorter in height compared to their age, and their physical strength and learning ability are very poor.
The main causes of child malnutrition can be listed as follows:
Inadequate nutritional care and feeding: the child is not properly fed, such as not having enough breast milk, the child is not properly fed. supplementary feeding is not reasonable or may be due to the mothers not taking good care of them during pregnancy. Children with long-term infections, including respiratory and gastrointestinal infections, causing digestive disorders and even complications of this condition can be pneumonia, measles, dysentery or baby failure. nutrition anorexic ... In some cases, the child is born prematurely or malnourished the fetus right from the womb, moreover, the child may also have some congenital diseases. Malnutrition in children has different levels and will be divided into 3 degrees with standards according to the child's weight and age: grade 1 malnutrition will show that the child's weight is 90% of the age child's present. Grade 2 malnutrition would show the child's weight remaining 75% of the child's current age. And grade 3 malnutrition in children can see that the child's body weight is less than 60% of the child's current age.
Parents of children can rely on a number of signs to recognize malnutrition such as children not gaining weight or losing weight continuously, arms and muscles are flabby, and atrophy of fat, blue skin, hair If the child is severely malnourished, it may be accompanied by edema or atrophy and may also be accompanied by symptoms of vitamin and mineral deficiency such as blindness. chicken, iron deficiency anemia ...

Bổ sung thực phẩm giàu protein vào thực đơn cho trẻ suy dinh dưỡng 1 tuổi
Bổ sung thực phẩm giàu protein vào thực đơn cho trẻ suy dinh dưỡng 1 tuổi

2. Establish a diet to help children improve their nutritional status

For the purpose of helping malnourished 1-year-old children catch up with normal growth and development, children need to be increased in energy and nutrients needed for their development in sufficient quantity. and quality. Accordingly, the child's nutrition needs to ensure the selection of four food groups containing essential nutrients for a reasonable diet of a malnourished 1-year-old child: Provides carbohydrates or carbohydrates, including foods such as cereals, potatoes, tubers, etc. to help provide energy and necessary fiber for the child's body. Food groups with nutrients that provide fat include: including cooking oil, animal fat, butter, cheese... help provide energy in the most concentrated form. Fat helps the child's body to have smooth skin, and at the same time helps to absorb fat-soluble vitamins and develop brain cells and the nervous system. Food groups with nutrients that provide essential protein for the body include meat, fish, eggs, shrimp, crab, eel, frog... to help build the body and synthesize antibodies to help protect the body from external influences. The nutrient food group that provides vitamins and minerals includes foods rich in vitamins and minerals such as green vegetables, ripe fruits, etc. to help provide vitamins and minerals to regulate the functions of organs. Children's body is especially rich in anti-constipation fiber. In addition, parents also need to pay attention to the selection of milk for 1 year old malnourished children.
Principles for feeding malnourished children need to meet the following criteria:
Parents should feed children many meals a day, and feed the child once every 2 hours. Suitable for children's age to help children digest and absorb nutrients better. Parents can make porridge for children from the ratio of water porridge to 1/10 and gradually increase to crushed rice from less to more Parents need to gradually increase the amount of protein and calories in the diet for malnourished children 1 year old Parents should create a comfortable atmosphere for children when making meals, avoiding the situation of pressure when eating for children, making children afraid and panicking every time they make meals, which can sometimes cause children to lose their appetite. , anorexic. Parents need to take steps to increase the energy density of their children's meals by adding enzymes from the germinated seeds to dilute the food and increase the temperature of the food for 1 year old children.

Thực đơn cho trẻ suy dinh dưỡng 1 tuổi với món cháo thịt bò nấu cùng với khoai tây và cà rốt
Thực đơn cho trẻ suy dinh dưỡng 1 tuổi với món cháo thịt bò nấu cùng với khoai tây và cà rốt

3. Formulating menus for 1 year old malnourished children

To develop a menu for a 1-year-old malnourished child, parents need to make food choices appropriate to the child's current status. Some foods to use include: rice, potatoes, chicken, pork, beef, shrimp, crab, fish, eggs, high-energy milk powder, fat, green vegetables and ripe fruits.. .In addition, children are also given other foods rich in micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals, ...
Parents should provide children with 3 to 4 main meals including porridge or soup. with the requirement to meet the 4 food groups above. To provide enough of these nutritional groups, parents should prepare appropriate amounts of food for a 1-year-old child including 100 grams to 150 grams of rice, 100 grams to 120 grams of meat/fish/shrimp... and 3 to 4 eggs per week, 50 grams to 100 grams of green vegetables, 30 grams to 40 grams of oil or fat
Milk at this stage is also quite important for the development of children. Therefore, babies should also be fed about 700ml to 800ml of milk per day or use formula.
Suggested menu for malnourished children 1 year old: implementation time starts from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Mondays and Wednesdays:
6 a.m.: Breastfeeding or formula milk with a content of about 200ml
8h: Meat porridge Pork cooked with amaranth
10h: Feed children 1⁄2 to 1 pepper banana
12h: Crab porridge cooked with spinach
14h: Give children orange juice with content of 50g to 100g can and 5g sugar
16h: Give children fish porridge cooked with vegetables
20h: Give children shrimp porridge cooked with shiitake mushrooms and kohlrabi.
9 pm to the next morning: Breastfeed or use formula
Tuesday and Thursday
6 am: Breastfeed or formula milk with a content of about 200 ml
8 am : Chicken porridge cooked with spinach
10 am: Feed the baby 100g to 200g of papaya
12h: Feed the child beef soup with potatoes and carrots
14h: Feed the child 60g to 80g of yogurt
16h: Give the child a pork porridge cooked with spinach
20h: Feed the children green bean soup with pumpkin and milk
9pm to the next morning: Breastfeed or use formula
Friday and Sunday
6am: Breastfeed or formula with a content of about 200ml
8h : Beef porridge cooked with potatoes and carrots
10h: Feed children 100g to 200g of grapes
12h: Give children shrimp porridge cooked with zucchini
14h: Give children orange juice with a content of 50g to 100 gram can and 5g of sugar
16h: Give the child chicken porridge cooked with pumpkin
8pm: Give the child fish porridge cooked with vegetables
9pm to the next morning: Breastfeed or use formula milk
6am : Breastfeeding or formula milk with a content of about 200ml
8h : Egg porridge cooked with coffee beans hua
10am: Feed the child 100g to 200g of mango
12h: Give the child eel porridge cooked with chayote
14h: Give the child orange juice with a content of 50g to 100g can and 5g of sugar
16h: Give Children eat crab and cheese soup
8 pm: Feed children pork rib porridge cooked with lotus seeds and pumpkin
9 pm to the next morning: Breastfeed or use formula
In addition to a complete diet, the baby needs supplements add necessary micronutrients: Zinc, selenium, chromium, Vitamins B1 and B6, Ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamin C),... to improve taste, eat well, reach the correct height and weight and exceed standards, a good immune system, enhanced resistance to less sickness and less digestive problems.
For more nutritional knowledge and child care for each age, parents should regularly visit the website and make an appointment with the leading doctors, pediatric and nutrition experts of the National General Hospital. Vinmec when needing advice on children's health.
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