Medicines to reduce male fertility

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The purpose of taking oral drugs to reduce male physiology is to help balance the state of love and protect the best health. So how does the use of drugs to reduce male physiology take place and is there anything to pay attention to?

1. Why is it necessary to use drugs to reduce male physiology?

In fact, drugs that reduce male physiology are used in cases where men have too high a need for sex. On average, they can have sex 3-4 times a day, this will inadvertently affect the couple's life and the health of men, including common conditions such as:
Physiological weakness In the future: In the case of men with high sexual demand, there is a potential risk of physiological disorders in the future, of which the most common are: erectile dysfunction, involuntary ejaculation,... Effects Married life: Harmony in love is very important. When men's needs are too high, it can easily lead to imbalance, causing women to unintentionally feel "afraid" of love affairs and the body is always in a state of fatigue and fear. Conversely, if the needs of the other half are not met, the couple will have a high risk of infidelity. Increased risk of crime: When the need is not fully satisfied, men are often irritable and can't control their own behavior. This can lead to illegal actions. Therefore, in the case of men with higher physiological needs than usual, the use of oral drugs to reduce male physiology is considered the most ideal solution today.

2. Refer to a few drugs that affect male physiology

The mechanism of action of the drug affecting male physiology is to make men reduce the need for sex drive. In the process of taking the drug, there may be some unwanted side effects, so this should be prescribed by a specialist. Avoid self-use, because this is inherently dangerous, especially for those who are taking another drug or have a pre-existing medical condition.
2.1 Antidepressants Research has shown that over 50% of men feel they have no or little need for sex after taking antidepressants. The mechanism of action of the drug is to increase emotional hormones, making men feel more comfortable, relaxed and want to rest than having to have sex. However, the limitation when using the drug is that if used for too long, it will be difficult for men to achieve pleasure the next time they have sex.
2.2 Digestive drugs The group of drugs that support digestion can also affect the physiological life of men and cause physiological weakness by blocking the regulation of gastric juice.
Some drugs to reduce gastric acid that you should refer to are as follows:
Nizatidine Ranitidine Cimetidine... 2.3 Sedatives For those who want to reduce physiological needs can also choose sedatives. The reason is that in addition to the sedative effect, the drug can also reduce excitement in "sex" thanks to ingredients such as: Trifluoperazine, Fluphenazine .. causing erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Dopamine, Serotonin help sedation, easy sleep.
2.4 Group of antihypertensive drugs The main ingredient of antihypertensive drugs is capable of hindering the process of arousal, erectile dysfunction, difficulty maintaining sexual performance. In the group of antihypertensive drugs, there are thiazide diuretics, metabolic inhibitors, ... making men less interested in love.
2.5 Antihistamines Antihistamines are a type of drug widely used in the treatment of diseases related to autoimmune disorders, skin allergies,... Besides, the drug also works to reduce sexual demand. in men.
The drug works by inhibiting the ability of the pituitary gland to function, thereby reducing the production of Testosterone. If the drug is taken in a scientific way, it will significantly reduce the decrease in sex drive.
2.6 Prostate Medicines Prostate medications also help to reduce physiological needs effectively. The drug will cause erectile dysfunction, decrease male hormone secretion, retrograde ejaculation thanks to its anti-enzyme active chemical. However, this is a prescription drug group, so patients need to use it when prescribed by a specialist.

3. Note when using male fertility drugs

For the drug to have a good effect as well as not affect men's health. When taking male fertility drugs, you need to keep a few things in mind:
Need to see a doctor and consult a qualified doctor. The effectiveness of using the drug will depend on each person, so it is necessary to monitor during drug use. Take the medicine at the right dose, do not increase or decrease it on your own. If you notice any side effects while taking the drug, stop using it and contact your doctor for advice. Medicines need to be used in the right amount and in the right dose to be effective in reducing physiological needs. Above is important information about drugs affecting male physiology. You can consult and discuss with a specialist doctor to find the best treatment and suitable for your health.

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