"That" how much is enough?

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Sexual activity is a basic need and an important factor in creating happiness, sex helps maintain the bond between men and women. During sex, the body releases many hormones that are beneficial to the circulatory system and brain, helping to relieve stress and bring positive emotions in many aspects of life. This article will provide scientific evidence about the frequency of sex in the opposite sex, helping you have a healthy and scientific sex life.

1. What does sexual activity mean to humans?

Unlike animals, humans are superior animals, so sex life is also very different. Sex not only serves the purpose of maintaining the same gender, but is also an extremely important factor contributing to improving the quality of life both physically and mentally. Sex life depends on many factors such as age, lifestyle, health of each partner, natural sexuality and quality of current relationship.
Sexual activity plays an important role in the happiness of couples in love. Studies show that sexual dissatisfaction has a negative effect on marital problems and can lead to divorce.

Hoạt động tình dục có vai trò quan trọng vào mức độ hạnh phúc trong hôn nhân
Hoạt động tình dục có vai trò quan trọng vào mức độ hạnh phúc trong hôn nhân

2. How does the frequency of relationships affect married life?

Having sex on a regular basis is good not only for the bond between couples, but also for health and increased endurance. Like physical activity, sexual activity significantly improves circulation, temporarily raises blood pressure, and increases the amount of oxygen in the body. This enhances the recovery of cells as well as eliminates toxins from the body.
Regular sex also strengthens the immune system, especially IgA antibodies. Having an orgasm during sex also helps increase the secretion of hormones that are beneficial to the immune system, enhances muscle cell repair, and rejuvenates the skin.
Studies also show that the frequency of regular sexual activity is an important and good factor for emotional bonding between couples. Sometimes the frequency of relationships is more important to happiness and even more than material relationships.
However, high frequency of sex is not a great link for a relationship, but there are many other social and psychological factors. A study at the University of Toronto Mississauga found that couples should not view the frequency of sex as much as possible, but rather see it as a way to help maintain a bond with their partner.

Quan hệ là một sợi dây gắn kết tình cảm giữa hai người
Quan hệ là một sợi dây gắn kết tình cảm giữa hai người

3. How often is enough sex?

To better understand the importance of sex frequency, researchers conducted a survey in the United States from 1989 to 2012 on 25,000 people aged 18 to 89 years old. Participants were asked about the frequency of sex (frequency ranging from none to four or more times a week) and questions about their perceptions and levels of happiness. on this issue.
The second study was conducted online on 335 people, most of whom were heterosexual. Finally, the researchers analyzed information from a third study, a 14-year US study on heterosexual frequency.
The more frequent the couples have sex is directly proportional to the level of happiness. However, this increase in happiness levels stopped at the frequency of sex once a week. This means that there was not much difference in happiness between those who had sex once a week compared with those who had more sex. This doesn't mean having sex more than once a week is bad, it just doesn't increase happiness levels between couples.
The study also showed no difference in data outcomes in terms of gender, age or time of relationship onset between the two. However, these data do not prove that relationship frequency affects happiness levels as these are observational studies only.
For subjects who were single and not tied to a relationship certain system, the results show that there are many differences. These people found no association between relationship frequency and happiness level. Single subjects had levels of happiness depending on the nature of their relationships and how comfortable they felt when having sex with people other than those in a relationship.

Người độc thân không có mối liên quan giữa tần suất quan hệ và hạnh phúc
Người độc thân không có mối liên quan giữa tần suất quan hệ và hạnh phúc

Studies show that the average frequency of sex in couples is about once a week. This is probably the optimal frequency for maximum happiness. This frequency of sex is just enough to help maintain the bond and give the impression that they are having an active sex life. This is why this frequency was chosen as the “balance” between relationship frequency and happiness.
However, relationship frequency is not the only factor affecting how happy a relationship is. Research at Monash University in Australia shows that couples are happier when the quality of their relationship improves. Men tend to feel happy if there is physical sexual satisfaction while women tend to be more emotionally gratified.

4. Is it okay to have sex more than once a week?

The question is, is it okay to have sex more than once a week? The answer depends on you and your partner. This can be easily understood as: “You love to eat ice cream and you will happily enjoy the first ice cream. After that, you still want to eat again and obviously you still feel good with the second ice cream. But you can also enjoy a third ice cream, but perhaps the enjoyment will be reduced now because you are already feeling full or you may be worried about other problems such as more sugar, more calories... ”
In summary, the frequency of relationships studied based on scientific evidence once a week is considered optimal to help maintain a connection between two people. However, having sex more than this frequency is not a bad thing, the frequency of relations also depends on the capabilities and needs of each party.
Sexual needs in each person will be different and partly reflect your health status. If you are having problems with decreased sex drive and don't know how to solve it, go to Vinmec International General Hospital for consultation, examination and treatment by specialist doctors. To register for the fastest examination and treatment, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
References: webmd.com, healthline.com

See also:
Guidelines for a better, safer sex life What is safe sex? What happens when you don't have sex Stages of orgasm during sex
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