Medicinal plants to treat cirrhosis and ascites

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The number of people suffering from liver diseases is increasing, which includes cirrhosis ascites. Treatment of cirrhosis with ascites with medicinal plants is a safe, effective and inexpensive method. Let's learn about cirrhosis of the liver and ascites in the following article.

1. What is cirrhosis of the liver?

The liver is a large organ in the body, with a very important function: removing toxins, metabolizing food, storing vitamins and substances. If liver disease is not treated in time, it will lead to cirrhosis. Cirrhosis ascites is the final stage of cirrhosis, when liver function has severely decreased and is almost impossible to recover. Cirrhosis ascites is when liver cells have been severely damaged, the detoxification function is almost no longer available, if not treated promptly, it will affect life. To prevent the disease from progressing, it is necessary to detect the disease in time and use appropriate treatment.

2. Cirrhosis what to drink, what to do to treat the disease?

Do not drink alcohol, beer, alcoholic beverages, tobacco or stimulants. Eat sensibly, use healthy foods low in toxins, eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, natural vitamins, tofu, yogurt, soy milk; Eat meat, fish, eggs, easy to digest food, drink a lot of water. Do not eat foods rich in iron such as red meat, blood soup, do not eat a lot of fish sauce, salt, dried fish, canned food Minimize oil, do not eat animal fat. Proper rest, should sleep at least 8 hours a day. Avoid working under high pressure, stress and hard work. Consult your doctor if you are being treated with other medications. Because when taking medication, the liver has to work a lot to filter toxins from the drug. Use products that support the liver, increase the ability to recover for the liver. Use of folk medicinal plants.

3. Cirrhosis drink what plant leaves?

Currently, in addition to Western medicine treatments, cirrhosis is also treated with Eastern medicine. Treatment with oriental medicine is considered a safe, easy to find, low cost method with relatively high efficiency. Therefore, medicinal plants are more and more widely used. Patients can use articles with natural herbal ingredients such as: chlorophylla, cassava, cassava, dandelion, papaya, mandarin, lily of the valley, grass roots, etc. However, need to use patience. just found the effect.

4. Some medicinal plants treat cirrhosis and ascites

4.1. The roots of thatch Grass roots, areca bark, plantain seeds, crushed black beans. Copy everything until dry, yellow. Sharpen until the water dries up to 1/3, then turn off the stove, drink it while it's still hot. Drink twice a day before meals. 4.2. An Xa tree An Xa tree, also known as a female cocoon nest, collects hair cocoons. Flowers look like caterpillars. Grows a lot in Hoa Binh, Binh Phuoc, Dong Nai, ... Use both stems and leaves to dry to make medicine. The tree is warm, not bitter, fragrant, easy to drink. The plant has the effect of treating liver diseases, very good for people with hepatitis B. Method: Wash dry stems and leaves, decoction with water, drink. Can be decoction with black cumin to increase the effectiveness of treatment. 4.3. Oregano plant is used in medicine to treat hepatitis, fatty liver, cirrhosis of the liver, ascites, ... In the stem and leaves contain flavonoid and saponin compounds. These substances are very good for liver disease. Black Musk is often used alone or in combination with Ansa to increase the effectiveness of liver disease treatment. 4.4. Diep Ha Chau In folklore, also known as serrated dog, grows wild in the fields of Vietnam. Or used in hepatitis B, C and cirrhosis ascites. Diep Ha Chau has been researched by the Military Medical Academy to prepare hepamarin to treat liver disease. Diep Ha Chau is cool, diuretic, good for liver and kidney. Diep Ha Chau is often used to treat hepatitis B How to use: dry, bring the decoction to drink water daily. Fresh plants can be used but have a pungent smell and are difficult to drink. However, this drug should not be abused. 4.5. Cauliflower is also known as thorny vine, vines, and cows. The plant has a detoxifying effect on the liver, cools the liver, and is used in both Western and Eastern medicine. The prickly pear is warm, the taste, has a characteristic aroma, not difficult to drink. The plant stem and root contain alkaloids and glycoalkaloids, which have the ability to resist liver disease agents. How to use: Take the stems and roots of the prickly pear to dry, cook and drink. Can be combined with chlorophyll to increase the effectiveness of the treatment. 4.6. Spiny melon tubers are also known as thorny dented tubers, thorny tips, thorny roots. It is the root of the dented vegetable plant. The stem part swells into a tuber, full of thorns. Spinach has a good effect on patients with cirrhosis and hepatitis B because it contains ascorbic acid, polyphenols, vitamins, mineral salts, olyphenol and ascorbic acid, which have the effect of preventing liver fibrosis. How to use: After collecting thorny tubers, peel, wash, thinly slice, and dry. Drink water every day. Cirrhosis ascites is a complication of end stage cirrhosis. Treatment of diseases with folk medicinal plants is a method of interest. Contact your doctor immediately, if you have any questions about cirrhosis of the liver, or about medicinal plants for cirrhosis of the liver.

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