Meaning of whole body magnetic resonance imaging

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Posted by Dr. Pham Manh Chung - Department of Diagnostic Imaging - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital

Although there is no reliable means of preventing the occurrence of cancer, the chances of a cure can be increased by detecting the disease at an early stage with whole-body MRI to scan the patient's body for the presence of tumors, metastases, inflammation, and other types of pathological tissue changes.

1. When to take a full-body magnetic resonance imaging?

Whole-body magnetic resonance is an accurate, effective and safe diagnostic imaging technique for patients. Unlike other imaging techniques such as X-rays, computed tomography or PET uses a dose of radiation to examine internal organs. The technique of whole-body magnetic resonance imaging to examine the organs in the body without using radiation, but obtain accurate pathological images in the skull, neck, spine, hepatobiliary, pancreas, spleen, uterus - adnexa, prostate gland and detect tumors in the early stages of formation.
Conduct full-body magnetic resonance imaging when:
Customers want to screen for abnormalities in their body Customers have a family history of disease or cancer... risk factors such as: Hepatitis, cirrhosis, smoking for many years, working in a toxic environment Client has symptoms of disease in a certain organ Client has a tumor in a known organ, taking a scan Systemic magnetic resonance imaging to assess the stage of the disease or assess the progression of the disease after treatment sessions.

Khách hàng có bệnh lý gan
Khách hàng có bệnh lý gan

2. The role of full-body MRI

Whole body MRI can detect the following pathologies:
Intracranial tumors, infarction - cerebral hemorrhage, encephalitis and cerebral vascular malformations. Neck tumors and lymph nodes: such as thyroid tumors, salivary gland tumors, lymphomas. Bone cancers: Bone sarcoma, multiple myeloma, lymphoma. Hepatocellular carcinoma (RCC), cholangiocarcinoma, pancreatic cancer, spleen Cancer of the urinary tract, genitourinary tract: renal cell carcinoma, bladder cancer, prostate cancer, cancer uterine-cervical cancer, ovarian cancer. Breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, thyroid cancer... Gastrointestinal carcinoma such as rectal cancer Software tumors: Neurofibromatosis, fibromatosis...

Chụp MRI toàn thân giúp phát hiện nhiều bệnh lý
Chụp MRI toàn thân giúp phát hiện nhiều bệnh lý

3. Whole body MRI procedure

After being assigned a full-body MRI from the doctor, the patient moves to the imaging department where the staff of the magnetic resonance room will receive and guide you to change and remove metal objects. body for safety during magnetic resonance imaging. When entering the imaging room, guided by the staff to lie in a comfortable position suitable for the shooting unit, the bed will automatically move to the shooting area.
The whole body magnetic resonance imaging time will range from 2-3 hours without any discomfort. During the scan, the machine will emit all kinds of sounds, but with the higher technology MRI machine, the more noise this noise will be minimized, not causing discomfort to the photographer. The patient needs to try to lie still in a position to give the clearest and sharpest image.
The patient may be asked to hold their breath in some positions and areas to be photographed. The scan will end very quickly without causing any discomfort to the patient. In some cases, contrast injection is required from the MRI staff who will place a fine needle in the vein in the elbow area and withdraw the needle at the end of the examination. Note that in the case of injections, customers should fast ~ 4 hours before the scan.

Người bệnh nên nhịn ăn ~ 4 tiếng trước khi chụp
Người bệnh nên nhịn ăn ~ 4 tiếng trước khi chụp

4. Why should full body magnetic resonance imaging at Vinmec international general hospital?

Before taking full-body magnetic resonance imaging, you will be evaluated by leading medical experts about your medical history, personal and family history and magnetic resonance safety check (MRI check list) to make sure safety for the client before entering the magnetic resonance room.
A team of good and professional doctors and technicians at Vinmec system will make you confident in their expertise, peace of mind and comfort before, during and after the shoot.
Modern magnetic resonance machine system, high magnetic force, full range of coils helps to accurately detect even small lesions, newly formed lesions.

Khách hàng sử dụng dịch vụ chụp cộng hưởng từ tại Vinmec
Khách hàng sử dụng dịch vụ chụp cộng hưởng từ tại Vinmec

To schedule a full body magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan at Vinmec with today's most modern magnetic resonance machine system, you can immediately contact the nearest Vinmec Medical system or register online HERE
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): When is anesthesia needed? What are the benefits of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)? Does magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) require fasting?
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