Meaning of blood alcohol concentration test

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Blood alcohol test (English name is Blood Alcohol Concentration and abbreviated BAC) is done to measure the amount of alcohol (ethanol) in the body and gives results even after drinking alcohol for a few minutes. From both a legal and medical perspective, a blood alcohol test is used to find out if a person is intoxicated and to apply some behavioral control if necessary. set.

1. How is the blood alcohol level tested?

Blood alcohol testing is ordered when a person is suspected of being intoxicated. Symptoms of alcohol intoxication include confusion, lack of coordination, unsteadiness that makes it difficult to stand or walk, or erratic or unsafe driving.
Regarding medical technology, blood alcohol test is done according to the following steps:
Disinfect the site of venipuncture with an alcohol-free antiseptic solution. Take 3ml of venous blood in. tubes without antifreeze or tubes with anticoagulants of Li-Heparin and EDTA. The blood collection tube must meet the standards and the stopper must be tight and tight. Blood should be delivered to the laboratory within 30 minutes. Blood should be centrifuged immediately to separate serum or plasma. The specimen is stable for 2 days at 15-25 degrees C, 2 weeks at 2-8 degrees C, 4 weeks at (-15)- (-25) degrees C. If anticoagulated with Sodium Fluoride, the specimen is stable for 2 days. weeks at 25 degrees C, 3 months at 5 degrees C, 6 months at -15 degrees C.

Lấy máu xét nghiệm nồng độ cồn trong máu
Lấy máu xét nghiệm nồng độ cồn trong máu

2. Factors affecting the blood alcohol concentration test index

Normally, test readings are not affected when: serum yellow, hemolysis...However, blood alcohol concentration results may change if:
Alcohol is used to clean the skin before inserting needle to draw blood. Have high blood ketones, as in diabetic ketoacidosis. Take cough drops that contain alcohol or natural health products, such as kava or ginseng. Drink other alcohols, such as isopropyl alcohol or methanol. Patients taking concomitant drugs such as antihistamines, barbiturates, chlordiazepoxid, diazepam, isoniazid, meprobamate, opiates, phenyltoin and sedatives.

Sử dụng một số loại thuốc có thể ảnh hưởng đến chỉ số xét nghiệm nồng độ cồn trong máu
Sử dụng một số loại thuốc có thể ảnh hưởng đến chỉ số xét nghiệm nồng độ cồn trong máu

3. The meaning of the blood alcohol concentration test index

Normally, blood alcohol level is at zero
If BAC is 0.03: You still feel in control of your body, but in reality, start to show signs of confusion, vision and ability judgment is no longer accurate and when you do, it is very difficult to be able to do two things at the same time. If the BAC is 0.05: You have reduced self-awareness, difficulty controlling your body and vehicles, difficulty focusing on moving objects, and also decreased ability to react quickly to objects. emergency situation. If the BAC is 0.08: At this point, you can't stand and have trouble talking and looking straight. The ability to react, judge, self-control has decreased quite a lot. If the BAC score reaches 0.10: Reaction ability, judgment continues to get worse, slurred speech, poor coordination, slow thinking. If your BAC reaches 0.20: At this point, you may be confused, stagger, faint, or vomit. If the BAC reaches 0.40: At this level you can become comatose and life-threatening, so you need to get emergency care promptly. If the BAC exceeds the threshold of 0.05, the probability of death is very high.
Normally, when drinking alcohol into the body, the blood alcohol concentration increases over time: reaches a very high threshold after 30 minutes - 1 hour and is eliminated after 4-5 hours. In case of liver failure: the blood alcohol curve is higher and the concentration occurs earlier (25 minutes). The curve shows that the increase in blood alcohol concentration occurs more slowly and to a lesser extent when alcohol absorption occurs during and after meals, or when alcohol is absorbed along with sugar.

Người bị bệnh lý gan cần hạn chế sử dụng rượu bia
Người bị bệnh lý gan cần hạn chế sử dụng rượu bia
It should be noted that a blood alcohol test only measures the amount of alcohol in the blood at the time of sampling. It doesn't show how long you've been drinking or have an alcohol use problem. For your own health and the safety of those around you, be really careful when using alcohol.
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